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Author[Military Clan] #183 Polish Elite

Leader change
Part of our mighty lords in the name of Polish Elite will soon become a part of great united clan. New situation require change in position of leader.
We change leader for LITWIN. If anybody have any objections write here please. For the glory of the Polish Elite!

Zmiana lidera
Czesc naszych poteznych lordow wkrotce zostanie czescia wielkiego zjednoczonego klanu w imieniu Polish Elite. Sytuacja wymaga zmiany na pozycji lidera. Zmieniamy lidera na lorda LITWIN. Jesli ktos ma jakies zastrzezenia prosze pisac tutaj. Ku chwale Polish Elite!
LITWIN will be best)
+1 for LITWIN
+ for LITWIN
If someone wants some re-funding of his payments, please send a message to leader (it is neccesary according to rule 3.28)
3.28. If the Military clan leader is replaced, any member of that clan may post a petition in "Clans" forum and require 100% compensation of all taxes and contributions paid to the clan, but no later than 7 days since the declaration about leadership change. The previous leader is supposed to pay off. The member is supposed to present proof from his or her transfer log, as well as to explain the reason of his or her dissatisfaction with the new Leader's position.
+1 for LITWIN
+1 for LITWIN
Litwin +
Litwin +
Witam, Panowie)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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