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AuthorUtterly Ridiculous (Reducing Troops Count for Each Tournaments) Must See

seems like it is time to interpret this quote:
Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. ©

do you ever know that why other faction is always better? that's because your faction always lack on something which can be found on other factions.

just like what you mention:

All other factions shooters have minimum 10 initiative. Why not Knights?! .
hence, you were complain with knight shooter is slow. elf is better.

Even, think about Necro its only faction mostly scoring Highly in tournaments. And also, its getting so many benefits such as In corporal which effectively provide 3 * troops count of apparition or ghost, dark magic spells etc.
hence, you were complain that knight doesnt have something in corporal. nerco is better.

just think another back:

- as a nerco complain that no offense + morale + luck talent for them
- as a wiz complain that troop is not so meaty
- as a barbarian complain on no spells cast
- i still can give brunch of example to go on.

yet, knight wasnt designed to be a:
1. fast melee and range support like elf;
2. massive troops with debuff like nerco;
3. chaos spells deliver like wiz;
4. superb melee dmg output like barbarian;
5. and bla bla bla

and if you were looking for any of those above, feel free to switch to that faction.

All other factions shooters have minimum 10 initiative. Why not Knights?!
in fact, we do have one and it was called as 'monk' :D
@55: why you worry so much about survive tourney? you dont compete with other faction there only with knights so underpower is no problem
in fact, we do have one and it was called as 'monk' :D

I just loved that! :)
Utterly Ridiculous thread.

Get over it mate.
[Post deleted by moderator Lord SV22 // Off topic]
in fact, we do have one and it was called as 'monk' :D

loved tat too lolz!!! =)

Any faction can be the best; BUT definitely not the one you are playing now. ©
tis is absolutely true...

if there is a faction tat has every single thing u wanted it would b an ultimate faction n the game would just collapse...
imagine a faction who has 100's of shooters who have no range penalty no melee penalty aimed shot n at the same time incoperal who at the same time is supported by 100's of def troops with 26hp large shield stun n a huge chunk of defense...
not to mention a hero who can mass stun cast all sorts of spells including raise dead n summon phantom...
who would play such a game??
it would b utterly boring...
LOL and ROFL for negative commenters.

Who designed the factions, as a KNIGHTS faction player who feel badly for gaining low experience from tournament compare to other factions and who tried so many Minimum AP PVP attempt against Necro, Elf and Wiz, Only they can understand what sense i stared this thread.

Others just think,

*Necros, Wiz and Elf reached more levels (Waves)in all the tournaments compare to KNIGHTS and better experiences.

*In Min AP PVP, its very hard or cant win even against average talent players of Necro, Elf, Wiz.

*If i use average AP in Min AP group battles to balance the factions. The opponent started to scold, shows less interest to play, or goes AFK.


Why not KNIGHTS faction players can enjoy more waves in tournament?,

Why not KNIGHTS faction players can give though game against Elf, Necro, or Wiz in Minimum AP battles?

Why KNIGHT faction players have join Min AP battle with very low possible hope for win against Elf, Necro and Wiz?

Thus, I mean that Knight faction is designed with lower priority than those factions.
Why not KNIGHTS faction players can give though game against Elf, Necro, or Wiz in Minimum AP battles?


hy not KNIGHTS faction players can give TOUGH game against Elf, Necro, or Wiz in Minimum AP battles?

Why not KNIGHTS faction players can enjoy more waves in tournament?

this has nothing to do with faction balance
if knights get low experience from STs its good, not bad.STs give poor FSP:exp ratio. Also if you get lees exp at same fsp/exp ratio as other factions that means you can do more STs ,if you are good more gold before you level up. So necros should be complaining, if anyone has to.
Why not KNIGHTS faction players can give though game against Elf, Necro, or Wiz in Minimum AP battles?
thats your poor strategy. I have played holy knight in your level and I felt it overpowered.

knight isnt a faction designed to be good in tournament. i would say it is the worst faction in tournament. this faction lack on some units with high speed, high initiative, high dmg output, no retal to be major strength in tournament; it is even worse in ST or MT.

AP? a standard [for you] to judge how bad is a faction; especially in min AP.

never ever use min AP combat to judge. as a slow faction, knight hardly deliver 1st strike in most combats; they take dmg in rather attack. this combat disadvantage is even worse in min AP due to bad troop stats and lose most of its troops in early combat.

*Necros, Wiz and Elf reached more levels (Waves)in all the tournaments compare to KNIGHTS and better experiences.
*In Min AP PVP, its very hard or cant win even against average talent players of Necro, Elf, Wiz.

these had been replied in the msg above.

*If i use average AP in Min AP group battles to balance the factions. The opponent started to scold, shows less interest to play, or goes AFK.
Why KNIGHT faction players have join Min AP battle with very low possible hope for win against Elf, Necro and Wiz?

these were the player attitude; nothing to do with faction.

a better advice: you were complain knight is worse than elf, necro, wiz and bla bla bla. so be it, you are always free to switch to those factions :D
Because of that i suggested redesign 10 initiative for swordsmen or Crusades and Crossbowmen or Wardens. And also increase speed of swordsmen or Crusades to 5.

Why not request such changes? don't i have such rights? even though its free game.

Why do i have to change the factions? Do you agree that KNIGHTS faction is designed not designed to win against those factions?

(The Key creatures of KNIGHTS are Crossbowmen or wardens and Swordsmen or crusades)

Because lower initiative, In Min AP battle

Against Elf: Elf bow and dudes easily shoot down Crossbows or Wardens and then even 1 survived Elf bow knock back the Swordsmen or crusades in next couple of turns. Mean while Elite forest keepers gets 2 or 3 turns to finish off them with the help unicorn. Just think about the KNIGHT designed.

Against wiz: Its easier 2 or 3 hero finish of crossbows and then cool way to finish Swordsmen or Crusades.

Against Necro, Liches and Skeleton bows finish off Crossbows or Wardens in 2 or 3 turns. Then easy to finish off low speed and low initiative Swordsmen or Crusades with vamp and Ghost or Apparitions which is effectively have 3 * actual troop counts.

So, i meant that more number of Crossbowmen or Wardens or increasing of initiative and Speed of them helps at least Swordsmen or Crusades to reach the troops settlement to give at least a tough fight.

Just think whats wrong in that? Why you guys losing your temper against me?
If your loosing against elfs in CL 10 and 11 with knight , then you seriously dont know to play . Elves are the easiest enemies for knight in CL 10 and 11 . But after 12 it gets a little harder . Wiz are one of our nighmares
Watch your tongue, who's losing temper here? All i see us one ts bashing anyone who is trying to make him see sense.

Anyhow, if u dont like knight, switch factions then, or better, quit this game.

You lose some troops and you're bashing all other 60+ posts for not feeling any pity for u, and who will?
I have question? When did survive tournaments became main part of lordswm.com?
for TheKnightsss:
x-bows and wardens are beasts,killers in PvE,weak in PvP

though they may die at first turn,your hero's mass evasion is more than enough to make GMB look like a pathetic wimp.Mass stoneskin and chastise and you can kill entire Efk in ONE retal or atmost two.

I don't know how you lose to elves esp. when they reach lvl 10-11 when elf dont get ancho and holy build is at its best.

dont write off this by saying "only knight faction players must give their opinion or that im low CL.

I have seen thousands of combats of knights,where they are a pain in the neck to elves,necro in MIN AP.go see some battles and learn.
Dude, have you ever seen a knights armour? I mean in real life? That thing is about 20 - 30 kilo. Ofcourse knights are slow! But you can use them as tankers, they can take A LOT before perishing. It would be stupid to see a knight in full armour walking faster across the field then EFK.

Then on the other hand, the elfs troops are more of Germans/Gauls that only had weapons and no armor. Positive about this was they were way faster. Negative was, one hit and its over.

Same story for crossbows, they are heavily guarded with a kick ass weapon without range penalty. The elfs GMB are dude's without armour, relying on their speed to kill the enemy..

Learn how to play or change faction.
For god sakes, you play this game for 3 months.. Whats gonna be next??
do you know? i just found your name was so familiar.

finally, i just figure out. OMG, you were that knight player who flood in all sub forum s[yes, and get banned] afew months ago about your AWESOME achievement [hit combat level 9 within 2 months]


anyway, back to topic:

Why not request such changes? don't i have such rights? even though its free game.
for your 1st question, it is against rules to make suggestion to strength up or tweak a faction.

Why do i have to change the factions? Do you agree that KNIGHTS faction is designed not designed to win against those factions?
you were complain so hard with knight faction; an easy way for you is switch faction, then you will own those knight easily :D

knight [whether red or white] faction isnt designed to be lost. but, not with your attitude :)

(The Key creatures of KNIGHTS are Crossbowmen or wardens and Swordsmen or crusades)
that's why you lose... ROFL

almost all knights [except newb?] knew that their major strength was come from swordsmen/guardians/crusader and some from monk/cleric/exorcist. your so called key unit: bowmen/crossbowmen/warden is major strength in NON-PVP only.

Because lower initiative, In Min AP battle...
i had told ya, you cant use MIN AP combat to judge. it put knight into huge disadvantage. faction balance only work after combat level 8 with full AP in non-duel + pvp combats.

Just think whats wrong in that? Why you guys losing your temper against me?

1. the only thing wrong were you: you dont really understand how to play as knight; shame on that called yourself proud to hit lv9 in 2 months, learn nothing but win with brutal force ROFL

2. you were losing temper but not us :) almost all of us try to explain/guide you nicely.
(The Key creatures of KNIGHTS are Crossbowmen or wardens and Swordsmen or crusades)
Xbows are one of the worst units of knights in PvP. Didn't you already pointed yourself how they are bad because they don't have 10 ini? You can't use PvE tactics in PvP...
LOL and ROFL for negative commenters.

Who designed the factions, as a KNIGHTS faction player who feel badly for gaining low experience from tournament compare to other factions and who tried so many Minimum AP PVP attempt against Necro, Elf and Wiz, Only they can understand what sense i stared this thread.

Others just think,

*Necros, Wiz and Elf reached more levels (Waves)in all the tournaments compare to KNIGHTS and better experiences.

*In Min AP PVP, its very hard or cant win even against average talent players of Necro, Elf, Wiz.

*If i use average AP in Min AP group battles to balance the factions. The opponent started to scold, shows less interest to play, or goes AFK.


Why not KNIGHTS faction players can enjoy more waves in tournament?,

Why not KNIGHTS faction players can give though game against Elf, Necro, or Wiz in Minimum AP battles?

Why KNIGHT faction players have join Min AP battle with very low possible hope for win against Elf, Necro and Wiz?

Thus, I mean that Knight faction is designed with lower priority than those factions.

Im pretty sure if you were on other faction..you will asking something like this:

give some magic to Barbarian
DE with more hp to all unit
Necro with Morale stat

I thought you should have known Knight's ranged unit can hardly do anything in PVP..You can't expect what you have done in PVE and expect it will happened the same thing in PVP
(The Key creatures of KNIGHTS are Crossbowmen or wardens and Swordsmen or crusades)

Euhhhhh, no? In PVP crossbowmen are bait. Distracting the enemy to hit them so we can advance with our "Key" creature, Guardians/grifs/monks/cavalary.
To be honnest I don't care about crossbow in PVP, they are simply there so I can spare 2 rounds of hits that otherwise would go to griffin or clerics.
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