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As much as i love this game , i cant go on , i am getting frustrated with gaining gold , unless i suddenly have 5 million gold , i am not going to continue playing this wonderful game , thanks for this wonderful game , i have had the best 4 years of my life . Bye guys !

-Tarek Naamani-
to keep communicating with me thats my real name up there , FB name as well , Love you guys ! Bye !!

i am staying 1 day and leaving then , this day is the one .
Oh honey, only 5 millions for you to stay? Why didn't you say so from the beginning?

No baby, don't despair! I will do whatever, sell my house, rob the bank, plunder the Twin Gods, anything it takes to find the trifle 5 millions for you. Not to mention a few extra so you can keep investing in Mr. Roulette project at your leisure...
for Warlock naviron: i quit roulette 2 years ago for your information , and turns out , i just cant quit the game , its awesome , not to mention i cant leave my friends behind !
Oh, so you don't need me to find the 5 millions for you anymore?
lol :D funny thread.
hmmm , well i dooo , but hmmm , No ! i will try to get some , my SELF , impossible . but ill try :P
No baby, don't despair! I will do whatever, sell my house, rob the bank, plunder the Twin Gods, a

Love it.

Lets ambush Empire! He must sleep right? So thats when we stike.. Then we have his 5 mil :o.
for Arcanide:
if you want to do so, pm me, im in :p
hope Empire dont know our plan :D
He's sneaky, always sleeps with his eyes open, thats why we can't see when he's online/offline (asleep or awake). Risky :(.
To all, we must be faithful to The one and only empire, for she is the Greatest, our Empress!
So citizens, drop down your sword and serve her.

for alexanderthelit:
K, bye! =)
and turns out , i just cant quit the game , its awesome , not to mention i cant leave my friends behind !

So, he isn't leaving us behind. Hurray!

And, I can't see a conspiracy being cooked against Her Majesty in front of my eyes. I'm bound to my duty, you see. So, I'm closing this conspiracy platform :D
closed by ElfPride (2013-02-25 18:51:41)
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