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Author#7251 Frog Eaters from the East
Coming from the far east...
After many combats in their own lands, they decided to gather in a huge mighty force and to conquer the entire world...
They came accross the lands and accross the sea...
They find a land of war ...
A land of money (of course)...
A land... of Warlords!
They are the...
Frog Eaters from the east!!

To apply just sharp your knives and contact me in french
I m still wating with some tasty legs!
I have axe instead of knife,whould that be a problem? :s
Player banned by moderator DEATHisNEAR until 2013-04-04 20:49:59 // LR 6.1/6.2 : Don't bump within 24h of last post in clans forum area. (10m warning)
why not against bullfrog, but you lack the principal :P
Tasty frogies to share
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