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Authorillegal transfers
2013-03-21 09:26: Received 5000 Gold from VRBack: as a loan last time
2013-03-21 09:14: Received 5000 Gold from VRBack: as a loan
2013-03-02 10:36: Transferred 1500 Gold for The_Last_Empire, Commission charged: 15: for joining clan
2013-02-27 12:52: Item returned: "Hunter pendant" [8/10] to The_Last_Empire
2013-02-27 12:52: Item returned: "Hunter boots" [9/10] to The_Last_Empire
2013-02-27 12:48: Received item: 'Hunter boots' [10/10] to be returned until 28-02-13 12:48; for 1 battles from The_Last_Empire . Transaction price: 10 Gold
2013-02-27 12:48: Received item: 'Hunter pendant' [9/10] to be returned until 28-02-13 12:48; for 1 battles from The_Last_Empire . Transaction price: 10 Gold
2013-02-13 17:09: Received 1200 Gold from ddbest: aas a loan for 1 week
2013-02-11 15:02: Received 1000 Gold from ddbest
2013-01-22 19:32: Arrived from overseas Empire, combat level: 5, previous id#607789, previously known as: betterthan_best
2013-01-20 11:01: Received 1100 Gold from rubal11 : gift

can anyone ask this guy,when he is to return gold to his so called MULTIES.
he also had an id known as ritik 11(block)
his good name is betterthan_best
sorry for double post
Friend I promise to return the loan when i reach level 6 as I am not having enough gold
And for the gold which I had taken from multies I had already transferred 20000 gold to empire to clear my transferre
And I cannot transferrer gold to block account
Betterthan_best is not my Multi
he is my frnd so there is no harm giving him gold
but tht's wrong of nt returning it back.
Ip's May clash with him.
I have only one mutli : xxxmutiny4xxx that's it.
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // Create your own thread with proper complaint-format]
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // reate your own thread with proper complaint-format]
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