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AuthorSelecting a Time Zone

I think it would be nice if; in the personal settings, you could change which Time Zone you are in (ie GMT+1) - which would affect the time at the top right, and for all the battles in combat log etc.

It use to be on GMT (I think) before the server changed, however it now on something different, and I thought it would be nice if players could have choice on which time zone they are in.

"Why it needs to be done?" : Makes the game more user friendly for players ^.^

Please upvote or downvote (although explain why) !

Thanks :)
Wouldn't it be a headache when admin announced something that using their own server time? And you won't know when was that announced is made

2nd: Means you are asking admin change every time zone include forum time, and combat log time recorded

This would cause server jumbled up with extra loading speed required
Not really necessary,plus you have a clock in your desktop.

BTW,the server time is GMT+4

-1 all I do for my timezone is add on 3 hours, not too hard.
"Wouldn't it be a headache when admin announced something that using their own server time? And you won't know when was that announced is made"

Not particularly - because they would have their own server time (ie the one right now), but then maybe, for each user have it so that it's their own time +/- 'n', where n is which time zone they are in.

"2nd: Means you are asking admin change every time zone include forum time, and combat log time recorded"

I suppose it depends how they implemented it - ie they could create a variable for each timestamp (if they did implement it) which would change the hour of when the post actually was for that person (but wouldn't change any of the old combat logs / forum messages before the patch).

"This would cause server jumbled up with extra loading speed required"

I'm not an expert at this - but pretty certain it wouldn't cause a server jumble depending how they implemented it - and extra loading speed? Interesting...

On another note - as posted by DreamStrike on another post in the Suggestion forum: "this server is now an international one, it will be nice if admins can think about us who play from different time zone."
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