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Author[Sell][Artifacts of the Old Empire][25/25, 10/10][7000, 9000]
Lords and Ladies of the New Empire,

Every time I open my stash, I am reminded of the glorious empire we had back home. From the 180 gold wages in east bay, to the stronghold we helped build in Seraph's tears; and who could forget, Councillor Arabat Flamesoul the fourth bathing in the crimson sulfur dune.
And now, in this rich new land, we must constantly remind ourselves of home; Councillor Thutkra, Councillor Quetlisse, and Her Majesty.
On this day, I present to you memorial artifacts that are sure to bring back those feelings. The Triennial Talisman, and our Unholy Blackshard.

Talisman: https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=3year_art&uid=174965166
Blackshard: https://www.lordswm.com/art_info.php?id=blacksword1&uid=174189454

These artifacts don't come by too often, and I enjoy the melancholic feeling they give me. I cannot give them for free, so I implore you, consider my price:
7000 gold for the Talisman, and 9000 for the Blackshard. PM me for negotiations.

Long Live Her Majesty.
2. Thread headers in this branch must fit the following standard:
[Transaction type][Item][Mod][Durability][Price]

[Durability] - compulsory parameter for "Sell" and "Exchange" types in case >> if the item is single or if all of multiple items have exact same durability <<. It is indicated using the two numbers as it is displayed in the inventory: [current dur/current max dur].
[Price] - optional parameter. >> May only be indicated in case of a single item << being subject of trade, in other cases may be given in the thread.

Correct header:
[Sell][Artifacts of the Old Empire]
closed by Elrond (2013-05-21 18:10:31)
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