Author | Leaving Count Based On Heroe's Turns |
Leaving count based on heroe's turn: often I notice "fast" race die after few minutes of AFK because of their hight initiative. In my opinion, 3 wait of the character is a better way to "count" the AFK time.
The main reason why we need it, is that we have to consider the possibility that a player has trouble with his pc or router and may need to restar it. I find much better losing 2 full turns and come back that being defeated after 5 wait (considering a fast units is a very low time).
(I closed the other topic and I made 2 new, I hope it's ok).
Let me know what you think, thank you. |
+1 |
+1 |
this dont work if you have only 1 unit |
In GB, Elf and DE die quick of AFK compared to Necro and wiz. This will balance all factions. |
Even heroes can have ini on them? so this still would work? |
so this still would'nt work? |
ofc they have, but if you consider an elf or a DE army, they die too quickly compared to a Dwarf, Necro or wizard army!
We may consider a "full turn", wich doesn't depend from hero's and stack's initiative! |
if you are in a battle with 60sec/move and you go afk.. we wait 60x5=300sec (5min)
2 full turns:
if you go afk and you are DE or elf, in 2 full turns you'll have probably 15 moves.. so we will wait 15min. it's not ok. 2 full turns for a pack of shrews or EFK with 20 initiative and only wait means a lot of time |
for mkland: yes, your point also valid but other than equality one more aspect.
when I ambush an AFK DE, elf or demon with my slow faction, they die before I can clear thier troops. lots of fsp wasted.
maybe after troops waited 1 time, their 2nd turn wait half duration ?
in CG or clan event, team mates can delay their troops play too, juat to give extra time to lost con get back etc. |
I'm not saying it is a perfect method, I'm just saying that it's much better than the actual one. |
Some small modifications can make this idea look great...
+1 |
Consider this game:
The tribal has been afk for the setup time (aswell as the knight), than the elf crushed and went afk. Elf's initiative gave to the tribal the time to come back and move even if he has been afk for longer (considering the setup time), while the elf is defeated in a shorter time thanks to his setup and initiative.
Is that fair? |
Is that fair?
Yes. It's one of the prices you pay for being able to move first in the battlefield. I chose to be a Demon and I accept the fact that I will drop out first if I go AFK before a slower opponent. Learn to accept the consequence of your choices. No one forced me (or anyone else) to become one of the "fast" factions and no one is stopping me (or anyone else) from choosing a "slower" faction.
when I ambush an AFK DE, elf or demon with my slow faction, they die before I can clear thier troops. lots of fsp wasted.
Subjective. I prefer low XP. I do not mind "wasting" that FSP as long as I can get my XP gain low. I still get 1 whole point of TG or CG for an AFK opponent whether I get 10 XP or 10000 XP.
Also, I do not want to waste my opponent's time if ever I go AFK. Usually, when I go AFK I can never return until the next day or so anyway. And I don't want to waste my own time as well when my opponent goes AFK.
Also, this makes it easier for griefers to intentionally delay battles. Currently, griefers need to pay attention to their unit's every turn to delay a fight which means wasting their own time as well. If timeouts were based on hero turns, they could simply ignore their units and pay attention only to their hero's turns. They could be watching YouTube or do other things and just check on the battle every 20 or so minutes to make sure they don't time out. A Demon with a horde of gated units can be a real nightmare if controlled by a griefer... |
So if I like staying afk I should chose a slower faction? That's a funny point of view! ^^ |
So if I like staying afk I should chose a slower faction?
Not necessary. Just unplug your ethernet or log out or close or ignore your LordsWM tab in the middle of battle. You will be AFK no matter what your faction is! But for maximum annoyance: be a Demon, split your horses and dogs, and gate with as many of them as possible! XD |
Faction should be equal for what concerns leaving and the consequence defeat. A knight shouldn't be able to stay more afk than an elf without a defeat. If you don't like it because you are slow, it's ok, if you think it is fair, you may need a course about fairness. |
Faction should be equal for what concerns leaving and the consequence defeat. A knight shouldn't be able to stay more afk than an elf without a defeat.
I actually agree up to a certain point. But you have bigger problems than this so called "lack of equality" if you apply it to cases of AFK. You should be trying to minimize cases of AFK instead of making rules around it. Lengthening battles like your suggestion opens up a lot of problems. It's already a slow game as it is right now. |
for Grusharaburas: As for your point of view, then i can suggest another faster game/server or else. Some people have internet problem that deserve longer waiting time. Some just want to waste your time but in most case there's not much you can do to minimize cases of AFK caused by few minutes AFK/connection problems. I also want better pace (fast game) but maybe not in LWM. |
As for your point of view, then i can suggest another faster game/server or else.
Nah. I'm a selfish jerk. I'd like to stick around and attack or support any ideas in order to turn this game into the one I like. I'll just let the admins decide if they like my ideas or not. If they listen to my ideas. XD
Seriously, though, you have a valid opinion. I just want a faster game with little or no mercy for disconnects (including myself sometimes, I AFKed twice this month, I think) and you just want a slower game with more tolerance for people with unreliable internet connections. Nothing wrong with either one although I understand people may want more sympathy from the admins than my suggestion allows. |