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AuthorGive Team Mates option in case of AFK
Whenever someone goes afk in a group/team battle, the afk system works in the normal way, (viz. The player dies after 5 turns of waiting)

But, I think after the 5th turn, the team mates should get an option whether to declare the AFK player dead or no.

Many a times I've got disconnected, and returned on my hypothetical 6th or 7th turn, and it is very frustrating to lose a battle in such a situation.

Many a times I've got disconnected, and returned on my hypothetical 6th or 7th turn

Or you won't return and the team player has to wait 10 turns (wich are a lot of minuts in a groupbattle).
Instead of giving teammates an option to let him die or live, give the teammates the option of taking over for the player. Like in a 3v3, if one of the players DC's one of the players on that guy's team can volunteer to control the dc'd player's army. if both volunteer, then leave it up to the RNG
+1 for faith
it would be better that after 5 turns the army should be handed over to the AI
for Arcanide:

I said the team mates get an option. If even one of the team mates votes for "Declare Dead" then the afk player should die.

And the suggestion is mainly for Team Battles PvE.
Faith, not going to happen.

Suggested multiple times:
2. Introduce auto-combat or temporary ally control for AFKing players.

As far as the idea, -1. GBs are already annoying with how much a person has to wait (especially with an AFK). I see no reason whatsoever to make the other team potentially wait hours to finish their game because your team wont let your AFKer die...
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // ]
for _Huntress_:

If you would have noticed, I am talking about PvE Team battles and not PvP.

PvE is a place where I doubt the "Environment" would have any problem if the timer goes on for infinity seconds subject to the Team mates don't have a problem waiting.

And the suggestion is mainly for Team Battles PvE.
Or you won't return and the team player has to wait 10 turns (wich are a lot of minuts in a groupbattle)

the team mates should get an option whether to declare the AFK player dead or no

If a team mate by will wants to wait, then why not?
In that case, +1 - I support this.
to clarify, is that what you suggest : just automaticly pass control of afk-out (5 wait) player to top level left in combat.

if this is only for survilogs and such human teams vs AI (and only for Military Clan game) than good idea.
+1,this should be implemented fast :D
for Lord selfist:

No, that would be exploited then.

What would be better is, the creatures just remain on the battle field and the timer can be changed to 10 seconds instead of 30, in this manner the AFK lords troop are atleast useful in retaliating and taking damage until dead.

Only options available to Team Mates would be, Either consider the AFK player dead and kick him and his creatures out, or wait for all the AFK players turns if and until he returns.

Also, FSP received in such a battle to the AFK player can remain 0.
Increasing time or letting them to select not to stay in the game does not help the teammates.

If the play is given to the AI it would create a new experience which is more fun and will not be so cruel to the other teammates.
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