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AuthorBlacksmith Guild
Hello powers that be :)

So much in this game has evolved I was thinking...

At certain level inter-vaults I think a person seeking to master blacksmith ability should be able to multitask.

Enchanter, I think, can multi-enchant so I think it only fair to increase the want to smith, be able to multi-smith.

It can even introduce a new job.

By this I mean, other smiths at certain levels can be hired by a contracting smith to help out which could either combine to make a higher level repair level or come together to do multiple jobs which they can do more at a faster level.

Thank you for your time.

As a manager of chefs I realize the more responsibility the less time you have, my request is that I please be responded to in any form, shape or fashion minus being banned, haha.
Horrible translator

If you meant multitask say just for enchant blacksmith, pretty good idea but i'm not sure if admin would think of it

But currently, we have 'double' working in smithing when your each certain levels of smith guild and enchants lvl..Which enables you repair and enchant at the same time
Good idea, that's what I thought a long ago.
But it has nothing to do with me, that's why I don't put it on forum.

for moro888:
He means a smith can repair more than one arts at a time(smith level supposed to support his smith but not enchant) . Same goes for enchant.
enchanter can enchant more than one arts at the same time.

A smith have no reason to enchant as long as he don't go for enchant.
So multi-task really is a waste,obviously pure smith won't enchant and pure enchanter won't repair.
Blade of rebirth (70 duration) facilities price - 18,042 gold
Blade of rebirth repair cost - 17,670 gold

Smith guild lv8 repair efficiency 90%

Before repair cost per battle - 18,042/70 = 257.75 gold
After repair cost per battle - 17,670/63 = 280.48 gold

Why we want to repair if the art not enchanted?

Admin need to adjust the repair cost after this.
He means a smith can repair more than one arts at a time(smith level supposed to support his smith but not enchant) . Same goes for enchant.
enchanter can enchant more than one arts at the same time.

so is it ok to bump this thread?
so is it ok to bump this thread?

9. Any senseless expressions are forbidden. If you are not the Administration and have nothing to say to the point - refrain from leaving messages in this forum thread.

From : www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1997535

So, bumping here is forbidden.
There is no thing as multi-enchant. No enchanter can enchant multiple modifications at the same time. Why would a smith be able to do it ?

Enchanters can do stronger enchants and smiths do stronger repairs. Also at final level they can enchant and smith at the same time.
Would be a good improvement for smiths and enchanters to be able to repair and enchant more than one art considering they spent alot of gold around 5 mil or more
to be able to enchant or repair more arts at a single moment reaching a specific level and the limit of repairing or enchanting arts can be decided by the admins
Hallion I was not entirely sure if there was the ability for enchanters to do so, seeing as I am merely a low level smith but none the less I don't think it out of the realm of possibility for both, though I only mentioned smithing.

...a high leveled should be able to do two things at once. Also my suggestions were not merely for a single entity, it also gave room for a co-op to make sense to those who it didn't make sense too.

Also, I know of the multi-smith-enchant ability but who could ever afford to be proficient in both without a Huge amount of time and money? Not the average player I'll say as much. Heck I used to play all the time and barely afforded just smithing along with hunting.

In my logic if someone gets proficient in something they should be able to multi-task. Such as, in the smithing world, have one material burning and in the meanwhile hammer an item that has already been under the heat long enough and then cool it down while working on the next item if there were one. Also the possibility of hiring someone to combine forces, obviously there would be more talent and hands to do more and/or better work.

What I wrote was merely a suggestion to expand on a function that most players rarely use or nuture in my opinion and deserves more attention. After all in ideas and suggestions, isn't this the point of this particular forum?

Instead of knit picking please help. I mean not to cause what is called flaming if I am but it is as I've heard, instead of being apart of the problem you should be apart of the solution.

Well to all whom I have bored with this long post my apologies and please, have an awesome day :D
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