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Author#7755 Syrian's Brotherhood

hey anyone wants snacks while using the latrine? XD

i also supply tabs to anyone who wants to view facebook while using the latrine :p
Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2014-04-07 07:01:52 // LR#6.1(Clans)+FR 4.2.1 //Please don't bump more than once in 24 hrs // Long string violation
"oi hand me those surveillance tapes"


"are you kidding me"


"okay this is getting irritating"


"What did one latrine say to the other?"


"Awesome!! what sounds like blush but has an f "


"Wanna play poker??"


Lord Syrian: "By golly who was the guy who last used the latrine ? that sure is a lot of flushes (if you know what i mean)"

Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-04-19 18:54:42 // LR#6.1(Clans)//Please don't bump more than once in 24 hrs
"You Shall no PASS!!!"

We desperately need someone to provide live entertainment to our latrine users.

Send your CV by pm.
"take that suit off what are you?"

We desperately need someone to provide live entertainment to our latrine users.

Send your CV by pm.

Do not create your CV on the toilet. And before joining you have to entertain us while we are using the Latrine. You know, like a personal clown.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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