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since no one lvl up blacksmith now days cos of cost Every 2 or 3 Blacksmith lvl should give you stat point like other guilds instead of sending it to someone to repair it for them with stat bonus giving it will make ppl wanna lvl up their blacksmith guild.

maybe add option to make your own art using materials the higher your blacksmith the better art you can make maybe add quest you can do it every hour fighting army if you win you have a chance to get blacksmith crafting materials for making strong arts add special materials for blacksmith or you can simply buy it from shop or ppl.

adding Arts that will improve your blacksmithing repairing like a full set of art which improve your blacksmith by 10% blacksmith lvl 8 will repair 100% with the art set each repair will take from arts durability.
blacksmith lvl 8 will repair 100%

simply -1
since no one lvl up blacksmith
that is because apart from enchanted weapons or other rare artifacts, there is no reason at all to repair artifacts. Just discarding it and buying a new one is much easier and usually cheaper too.
If they want to promote smiths, they simply have to drop the repair cost. So that repairing becomes cheaper than a new one.
that is because apart from enchanted weapons or other rare artifacts, there is no reason at all to repair artifacts. Just discarding it and buying a new one is much easier and usually cheaper too.
If they want to promote smiths, they simply have to drop the repair cost. So that repairing becomes cheaper than a new one.

that what i mean but if they add stats bonus atck or def on lvling up blacksmith guild ppl will be willing to lvl up blacksmith for the stats
while i like the idea because im a smith :P i have to think objectivly,

all thats really needed is cheaper repair cost, bonus stats seem a bit too much as only the rich do smithing, therefore only the rich will get the bonus, which i strongly disagree with

so unfortunatly -1 for bonus stats.

but a huge +1 for cheaper repair cost
all thats really needed is cheaper repair cost, bonus stats seem a bit too much as only the rich do smithing, therefore only the rich will get the bonus, which i strongly disagree with

so unfortunatly -1 for bonus stats.



But I loved the idea of a chance of looting a random mineral which could be crafted in something, and we could forge our own artefats with blacksmith.
+1 for this part.


But I loved the idea of a chance of looting a random mineral which could be crafted in something, and we could forge our own artefats with blacksmith.
+1 for this part.
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