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Author117th Surival tournament Level 13
Good luck everyone :)

first try was kinda bad for me, only got to 4th wave

1 LR :85 beholder, UD: 40 griffin - health orb
2 160 wolf raiders - 75 druids - 192 giant lizards - 91 griffins - defense orb
3 LUR: 261 gargoyles, D gargoyle monster( 2627 hp) - defense orb
4 637 gremlin wreckers x4 - mana orb
5 LR: 583 rebels - U 170 tamed minotaurs, D: Tamed minotaur Monster (2613hp) - def orb
6. 432 swordsmen/369 plains wolves/184 stonegnawers/923 skel legionares: rally orb=41 archliches from right
7. 430 swordsmen/98 lorekeepers/286 brawlers/28 death heralds:speed orb
8. 189 merc warriors/189 merc warriors/79 liz cavalry/79 liz cavalry: health orb
9. 1415 brutes/106 liches/141 mummies/73 exorcists:mana orb
wave 9 is passable.. lost 4 crucial phantoms be4 it and still killed all liches, mummies and had only 1k brutes left and 60 exorcists. woulda been easy with phantom uni, sprites, druids, and liches :)
10. 27 dreadbane x4 +defense

score 212k
lol.. darnit 4themassive.. i wanted to unlock wave 10 :P
russia already has it also)
well.. i dont look at russian forums :P
lol.. i love how my last two attempts i get 0 luck that i need.... enemies burst for more action.. my phantoms get killed on first hit every time... gl everyone i likely wont even get in top 10% this tourny.
closed by ElfPride (2013-10-15 08:17:06)
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