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Author[Discussion] Ferocious Wound Ability - A Sign Of Impending Updates ?
for Majesticos:

Even in .ru there used to be quite few activities during summer time... so just sit back and relax :)
i am not worried,
the longer we have to wait on an update, the bigger the update will be, right :) ?
Now isnt summmer time, everything what we had from summer was 2 tournaments.
I know maybe the update will be bigger, but isnt better when we gets something by the parts and not in one stack. Dont u feel hapier when u have for 4 months few smaller updates/events as 1 big update after 4 months which doesnt turn long time?
We should gear up for some huge event :)

Admin giving us time to enroll and get our gold stable ;) Let's make use of it :P
Hmmm... I personally felt the Survilurgs Difficulty have been significantly decreased, from the last 2 days...

Anyone experienced the same ?
for AKA:

We should gear up for some huge event :)
Huge event are sometimes boring, for example surviguls. Anyway i dont think there will be something huge
for Majesticos:

have not you played war with steppe barbarians in .ru? Man it was really awesome!!! , The best event ever
for ayush20:

that one was awesome, indeed. also the dwarf wars and kingdom wars and wars against the knights of sun and etc... That's REAL EVENT, not like the time portal thing...
We should gear up for some huge event :)

Admin giving us time to enroll and get our gold stable ;) Let's make use of it :P

Who is giving you time to do what? Maybe you dont participate in mixed or blindfold tournaments, but some of us do ;)
arent they limited to a max amount of battles per day and you need a lot of enchantments to win them?
for blackdeathgr:

Time for people with less gold (definition of less varies for some of us ;) ) to get a lil more gold maybe? So some of us can d the mixed and blindfold tournaments (which I suppose are not a routine like Survivals, but some of us assume them to be) along with more battles from events which might require enchants for some of us?
updates! may be next year :P

I guess this is the answer to the original question :D
that creature is megastrong, i though the ignoring defence will be replaced by that ferocios wound, but its together + has 280 hp, what is really a lot
It easily beats all other Tier 7s.

Barb's weak lesser tier units have been perfectly compensated for with this unit. Players will now not only hit ranged orcs, but kill Black Behe before approaching for melee.
someone has had a 4th wave without the boss already ?
4 more boss to go.

Probably some team will face some boss used to kill by other team. But ur name/clan logo do not appear on the boss list.
Same like hunt record, the 1st person killed boss got their name on list?
4 more boss to go.

All are dead. Let's see what the queen has to say about all this now ;)
All are dead.
Good game all )
i didnt think it would end this quick
back to Survilurgs :(
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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