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AuthorCaramelized Popcorn
So , Its alien night , and i want a treat while watching , Does anyone know an easy way to make caramel popcorn ? i googled , but all of them are Very hard and require many , many material , Any easy and fast way ?
well considering how cheap it is versus the time and effort to make I'd just buy some.

However, the easiest way to make your own I would suggest just putting some butter and sugar in a frying pan until it "caramelizes" and then pour it on top of some butter popcorn fresh off the pop in a bowl and then mix it around.

Main thing is to watch the sugar so its doesn't go from caramel-ish to burnt.

Or buy caramel candies then reduce them to liquid-ish form and put it on regular or butter popcorn.

Well those would be my non recipe versions.
his alien night was over 7 days ago :D
for devin_2011:
Yes XD

for Lucid-Naz:
it was kind of at night , and most stores near my house were closed , so i had to find a way to go ahead and make some for the night ...
Every sunday , is alien night on Discovery Channel , so tune in and enjoy the shows
hmmm, I see, well then info for 358 days from now lol or any random day for caramel popcorn.
for The-Chosen1:
really? I might just have to start checking out sundays on discovery. I myself feel like I'm from the Sirius species or the S.
I want to kill you ! Alien Scum !

I should suggest a sandwich, with salad, meat, eggs and extra ingredients which you like.

While the sandwich got proteins from egg, meat and a little from vegetables, also got some vitamines and aminoacids, a averange amount of carbohydrates and a good ratio of fat.

While your popcorn with caramel, well... Almost all carbohydrates and fat...
Not good for wealth, mainly if you don't have a good diet.

So many diases such diabetes, heart attack, alzheimer, cancer and many others...
Are caused for a lack of vitamines in your body, or a intoxication from the foods your eat.

In any cases, you should take care of your body.
And I finally acquainted the day when I read people discussing recipes to pass weekends and remain healthy on forums. Enough internet for today ._.
When some one ask for something specific, it shows his/her psychological tendences.
He could ask about anything in the world to eat, but he've ask for something sweet with a lot of sugar, that suggest he does like to eat carbohydrates. My tip is eat with moderation, look for other sources of food.
for Lycanthrope:
Well , i really just wanted caramelized popcorn because i craved it to eat while watching my show .... I am a very skinny boy , but im healthy , I eat 3 meals a day , and drink 2 cups of water .... ( i know i should drink more )
thanks for you concern though
I should suggest a sandwich, with salad, meat, eggs and extra ingredients which you like.

While the sandwich got proteins from egg, meat and a little from vegetables, also got some vitamines and aminoacids, a averange amount of carbohydrates and a good ratio of fat.

While your popcorn with caramel, well... Almost all carbohydrates and fat...
Not good for wealth, mainly if you don't have a good diet.

So many diases such diabetes, heart attack, alzheimer, cancer and many others...
Are caused for a lack of vitamines in your body, or a intoxication from the foods your eat.

In any cases, you should take care of your body.
I Laughed at your comments for the past 10 mins :D

And there's much more, I just toke 30 seconds to gather those links.

I could say how important vitamines are, a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fat is important in your daily diet, or even how the most scares diases which kill many people and are considered "not curable" could be reverted and cure with just good food. (at good speed ratio.)

But I don't gonna say anything like thi., I think all people who believes in pharmacies industry don't actually want any help, instead only seek for excuses and make more mistakes over and over...

All I gonna say here is, be healthy is not only breathe and be alive, is be immune to all "weak/common" disease, don't have any serious issues at 3rd age such alzheimer, heart attack etc. which are relative new disease and is increasing the number of cases over the time, cause of poor food quality plus hereditary genetic. And above all never fell tired, sleep, with problems to assimulate and learn new things, can run a long distance without any problem, can lift weigh without getting tired, and many relationed things... This is beign healthy person.
(For the bless god, don't think just why some one have a good supplementation diet they should lift 300lb on first try or run 60km, don't be stupid, if some one want to go to a gym make a search about how get started like a normal person.)
Oh so i don't think your sarcastic.. sorry :D @14 i agree.
So I went to go cash my check today and saw they were selling chocolate bars.

Regular, white, rice and Caramel.

In real life no one could appreciate this humor of why I laughed out loud so hard.

My girlfriend including the two bank accountants all stared at me as if waiting for me to explain what was so funny.

My response,"Uhhh, so these are a dollar?".

I simply knew that the real reason would take to long to explain and no one would understand so I just figured I'll just be me, weird.

Just in case some don't understand my story...I'm only posting here because of the caramel subject so when I saw the caramel chocolate bar I laughed thinking of this thread and then I was weird, haha.

Maybe I should have just said the last paragraph, hyuck*
lol lucid :P
you should have bought me one !
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