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Author | Culture Shock |
Glorlaf sat in a comfy covered waggon on its way to Empire Capital’s heart, the Palace, and kept staring outside. The window was rather small, narrowing his field of view, but the young Barbarian was literally glued to it. And there certainly were things to consume his mind: vast provinces captured by the Empire long ago and well developed over years; towns and cities, well-planned and teeming with peaceful warriors and traders... For Glorlaf who only knew terror and struggle for the second half of his life, the trip was akin to going into a dream. Little did he know of his emotions as the waggon approached the outskirts of Empire Capital.
Grand, majestic, immense, innumerable... Massive fortifications soon changed to delicate buildings, designed roadways, neat lawns and squares and throngs of lords creatures of all sorts. Glorlaf’s delicate features fully reflected the awe and delight produced by the Empire’s largest city views. He was half-listening to a knight sitting across him commenting on the objects of architecture they were passing, half-peering out there, through the narrow window into an unbounded new world that he was being brought into and that he never imagined the scale of. He uttered a shriek of surprise after seeing a Tribal lord accompanied by several tribal goblins carrying load for him. His guide knight switched to trying to explaini that Empire was multinational and multicultural, always offering freedom of confession and equal rights to conquered nations, but the young leader was not listening. He hopped up and leaned out of the window ignoring the knight’s protests; his eyes and ears explained better to him than anything. What he saw and heard could never match the tales he had listened to as a child about a then young and developing Empire. | Grammith stood in front of the entrance to the throne hall, waiting for the guards to signalize him to enter. The Warlord knew well that it rather meant that he was waiting for Her Majesty to descend to the throne hall and occupy Her official place first, and then receive audience.
Much unlike the late Empress of the lost Empire, Her Majesty would hardly ever conduct a meeting in her personal chamber, no matter if informal or even if with one of her most trusted people personally. Only matters of high secrecy, such as Her latest initiative in economics, could make Her break this formality; She was quite an adherent of formalities and required everyone to follow the same etiquette.
At last, Grammith was asked inside and entered impatiently. He approached the throne and bowed, and her Majesty inquired him what he had come to speak about. Grammith spent a moment to think on his first words before starting. He knew that the Empress always preferred when they spoke to Her straight to the point, without the rhetoric and hypocrisy so characteristic at Court.
"No doubt, Your Majesty has already heard of the young leader of the Wilderness people and his contribution to our quick landslide victory. I have made a decision to ask Your Majesty to nominate him for Honours..."
The Empress choked. Still coughing and slightly patting on the top of Her chest, She gazed at the Warlord with Her eyes wide open.
"Grammith, did I even hear right? An “Honorary subject of the Empire” to... a Barbarian youngster from a shantytown?! Give him an Order of Courage with grade at your discretion and begone!"
"I have communicated with Glorlaf, evaluated both his military and social virtues, my Empress. I believe this should be the way to remark him."
"Earning this title usually takes time and requires social status, and you know that." She squinted at him, turning Her head slightly. "I understand you have some better reasons? They have to be huge, because I certainly do not wish to create a precedent."
Grammith stood numb, his face puckered in a despondent grimace. He was reluctant to share his real goal for the petition, but quite as he had suspected, without that the audition would not bring him anywhere. The Empress knew him too well. He sighed before speaking again.
"I’ll be honest; maybe this can persuade Your Majesty. I have been observing him. I have come to suppose we can use him to solve an old trouble of ours, and for that we need his fame to grow."
The Empress’ face became sullen. "Are we talking of..." She asked with suspense. "Yes", Grammith raised his brows meaningfully. "I have no certitude, but I can see a big potential for it."
Her Majesty plunged in deep thought. This changed everything. Grammith could not offer any guarantees, but he was Her warlord; She knew well he would not have to come to ask for something so ticklish if there hadn’t been any real visible motives.
"Fine", She spoke, "I shall give the orders. Watch him well. And Grammith!" She gave him a strict look. "Keep me informed."
"Yes, Your Majesty", Grammith bowed again and walked backwards to the entrance. | Glorlaf was received in Myrrhmeadow that night, the two-storeyed mansion offered to the councilors of the lost Empire on the day of their arrival. In a way, their meeting was predestined, both parties sharing somewhat similar fates of hardships and wandering before acquiring a new home, in the very heart of which they now sat. Both had also made good advances to show themselves to advantage with the Empire’s government. Glorlaf had just recently received an invitation to be nominated for a high award on the next morning, and it also became a subject for conversation.
The councilmen almost instantly grew fond of Glorlaf. His decency and honesty multiplied by his life experience made him an interesting personality, but the main reason was the association. The councilors still mourned Thutkra, the mighty Barbarian ex-warlord; and Glorlaf’s eyes displayed all those qualities they always held respect for Thutkra for.
Arabat took the initiative to give some sort of tutorship to the Barbarian and went into recalling many interesting facts and events about the new Empire that the five high-ranked foreigners had undergone. Glorlaf had already heard different stories in different jolly crowds, but the point of view of the foreign councilor was much clearer and closer to him than those heard in the waggon and in taverns.
They talked late into the night, and Glorlaf only took a few hours to sleep before making himself ready for receiving one of the highest prizes of the Empire. | The Square in front of the Palace was decorated on the occasion of the ceremony to be held that morning: Glorlaf was to be decorated as honorary subject of the Empire. The hero of the occasion traveled in company of the foreign councilors, his face offering a large palette of emotions displayed, ranging from nervous fear to utter rapture. The fairy tale continued for him, and he could barely seize the scale of the event he was about to star.
All five councilors stood together not far from the pedestal and listened to Grammith’s speech.
He took the effort to enumerate once again Glorlaf’s feats during the latest campaign, describing all the hardships he had been through from the very first day of his tribes’ exile, and naming the qualities that made him worthy of the title. The foreign officials were nodding, contemplating the young Barbarian. He was the hero, and to him their sympathy was addressed: Kalirosh’s excitement over his prowess, Arabat’s pride for his resolution and honesty, Kh’Everst’s compassion for his destiny, Bilir’s languid look of nostalgia for a lost friend, Feurlis’... bitter distrust?
Should any of the four councilmen have looked at Feurlis they would have been surprised. Sharp, penetrating suspicion flew piercing through the officials on the pedestal like a shiv. Feurlis, visibly troubled, switched his look from one Empire official to another, and seeing their smiles induced anxiety in him. “There is only one sincere smile on the pedestal”, he analysed, “and it belongs to Glorlaf. None other is benevolent, none authentic, not even the one on the warlords’ lips.”
The Necromancer looked at his colleagues. Pretty much as expected, ignorant and credulous, their keenness was yet again veiled by their emotions. Feurlis gave one final gaze at the pedestal from under his brows and turned around without bidding farewell to anyone. Convinced that something was being brewed, he rode to his abandoned hideout; a few strings of his web had to be pulled. One thing he has not felt for many months now filled his bones once more: the thrill of competition. It was just his way of feeling affection for the young lad: if there indeed was a battle to be fought for his soul, Feurlis would do his best to win it... | News block finalised. |
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