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Author[Service][rare and event artifacts counting / statistics]
some more details:

- for "rule-lovers": 1.1. The advertising of any software and user-scripts is forbidden. (https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1923679). I sell here only information, nothing more. Anything else exists only in your fantasy. No "illegal scripts" or some other extremly illegal stuff. So no code, no algorithms, no algorithmic math problems, etc.
I have 1 million co-workers, who click each minute on each url and check it... very hard job, respect it =)

- You won't get here only some urls - you'll get here some deep information about rare artifacts: enchantment statistics (as table), durability statistics (also in table format). So as maximum information as only possible. So you'll get several .txt/.csv files. But as already said, i can give this information also per private mail. If you wish, i can also sent you ID/time statistics e.g. as picture (if ID/time-relationship is reconstructable), so you will know on which days some
artifact with it's unique ID was sold/bought.

- I filter my data also for "false negatives". This are artifacts which were dropped at Commanders' guild (shop artifacts: 7/7 and other artifacts: 5/5).

- Scan for different types of artifacts need different amount of time. First i'll make a little research about this artifact on forum and then i'll tell you how long i will need to prepare the whole information. It can last between 1-2 hours and 2-3 weeks.

- If there was already request about some artifact, i'll post here the name of the artifact (but no other information), so you'll be able to see which artifact were alreafy scanned.

- All artifacts have there an unique ID, so you'll be able to see durabilty of each artifact if you click on it's url (somethig like: "Durability: 23/42 (50)"). If you click on the url and see only standard durability (e.g. "50" and no information about actual durabilty), then somebody, who possessed this artifact has thrown it away (after my scan).
closed by ULTRA_XEROX (2014-04-21 14:35:00)
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