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Author127th Survival tournament results

I think that is the link :)Not sure because its been a long since i posted results :D

Good luck everybody! and congratulations to the winners :)
Link = https://www.lordswm.com/tournaments_hist.php?tour=212

Sorry guys .. I atleast think this one is right :D
I think i get some 10th place :D
no result yet :(
cl12 elf 1st.
scored 11% more than 2nd.
Lvl 7 wiz - 1st
Lvl 7 elf - 4th ( ahh just missed bronze due to DU players )
Lvl 7 knight - 5th

Lvl 8 knight and wizard - incentive in both

So overall i got 5 incentives and 1 gold medal :)
3rd again ^^ lvl 10 necromancers
Incentive in level 10 and incentive in level 11 :D
oh noes CoW has been dethroned!! and the top 3 in lv 15 knights have 400k more then the rest.. what?
Incentive on CL 12 elf, Congratz Swiftgirl well done and the other winners too :)
for slayerofall:
Don't mind it. I completely failed this tourney. Wasted 4 attempts in the row and realised that I picked up wrong build in my last attempt :( If I only have another chance, I would pick build with Prayer and easily make 600k+ result.
Anyway, 1st place attempt was even worse than mine, except 1 thing - incredible luck. I have less misses with 5 phantoms than he with 3 :) Brutes ability saves attempt in 2nd wave and miss on Wardens phantom saves in 3rd. Very "dirty" game.
And tons of lucky morale burstings and phantom misses in the end that made his result slightly better than mine. One extra hit made the difference.
Well, that's the lesson for me to be more responsible next time :)
ur talking to me about incredible luck? i play elf faction... it is THE luck faction where luck is usually what determines the winner :)
anyway grats on 2nd, im sure next tourny u will smoke the competition once again, btw i really enjoy watching ur replays... 4k melle wardens too op :P
and the top 3 in lv 15 knights have 400k more then the rest.. what?

Places 4-6 at lvl 15 knight played regular knight class. That can hardly count as serious tries to compete for a win. It seems that most participants at higher levels just play to harvest some fsp. Still it can be interesting fights for the top spots of course. At higher levels (15-16+ something) I think it would be interesting if one faction each ST was played as insight instead of regular ST.
only get incentive :(
i think i can get medal, but not at all
closed by ElfPride (2014-03-16 14:06:43)
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