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133 ST Lvl 4

Author133 ST Lvl 4
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 5 (2)
Highest score: Wizard 5448
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

Probably a pretty bad score, its my second and last attempt too.
Good luck guys!
1) 17 tribal goblin up , 4 ghoul down
2) 1 chieftains left right
3) 4 beholders all sides
4) 1 commander right
5) 1 genie up down , 9 centaurs left right
6) 1 demiliches all sides
7) 8 vamparic lizard left , 21 mountain sentries up , 3 mummies right
8) 2 liches left , 22 demons up , 22 venomous spiders down
9) 8 boar riders up down
10) 26 goblin trappers all sides
11) 36 dryads left , 3 patriarch up , 16 EFK right , 1 abyss demon down
12) 4 druids all sides
13) 10 crusaders all sides
14) 1 sphynx warrior left , 3 thunderbird right , 14 orcs down
15) 57 faeries left right , 40 mountain sentries up down
16) 9 mummies left , 18 stone gnawers up , 19 cerberi right , 2 venomous wyverns down
17) 4 unicorn left right , 7 earth shaman up down
18) 1 behemoth left , 5 treefolk up , 170 sentries right , 4 trolls down

Well till these waves i reached atmost as a wizard.
closed by ElfPride (2014-06-05 08:46:49)
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