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AuthorBest Battlewise Wizard 1 - lvl 9
post waves,scores
3k exp only for 29407 ponts and 8 waves
one of best tournaments :D no ap needed
got 37940 points in 2nd attempt .. anyone got higher ?
31974 in first attempt
of course there wil be spme guy with 60k dont wory man
30143 points in 2 attempt
Its impossible to get 60 k ... with troops with low stats its impossible ... gold place will be 45-50 k
wee will see abou that in end of this :) i hope :D
33120 in first attempt. how about we start posting the waves ?

(((((?????????????.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>**>>>>>>>))))))
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2014-06-05 21:03:54 // FR#4.2.1//Long string violation (warning)
33K. If somebody gets 40K+ then gold for sure.
Soory for double post. I stand corrected, somebody has got 55K in .RU so as LvRokijs said of course there wil be some guy with 60k dont wory man
yeah even i saw that .. 40k + is a good score for bronze
how much gold does 40k score give/
i have fighted 4 time and i cant get more than 30 k dont like wizard :D
i played 5 times cant cross 31k :(
can somone helpme howu get pass hell horses :D
split gremlines into two use thier land mine it will stop them from attacking then use lords magic to take out few . as for others use gargoyles as retaliation and hit with lodestone and the genies
got 39k .. 5 attempts over .. 40-45 k is reachable ..
i need help over tat griffin part what troops should i hav at that time
Participants level: 9
Challenge type: Preset survival style combats with one faction
Equipment limitations: Unarmed
Amount of attempts: 7 (7)
Highest score: Battlewise wizard 35315
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

am done
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