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AuthorBest Battlewise Wizard 1 - lvl 16
Wave's are as far as I know:
1. L/R 45 Mistresses U/D 290 Dryads
2. L/R/D/U 455 Bandits
3. L/R 91 scubbs/U 1 Boss Wolfhound level 2/D 184 Wolfhounds
4. L/R/D/U 29 Searinghorses + orb of extra troops (1100 tribal goblins)
5. L 278 swordsmen/R 113 dwarf ursary/U 119 Stonegnawers/D 22 cyclops
6. L/R 429 Enforcers U/D 15 archangels
7. L/R 9 Thrones D/U 12 Leviathians
8. L Boss Crazed trolls level 8/R 57 Crazed trolls U/D 277 vampire counts

Wave 8 is a killer, hope you guys have fun :).
Allow me to repost waves (with orbs):


1) 45 mistresses - 290 dryads - 45 mistresses - 290 dryads ---> initiative orb
2) 4 x 455 bandits ---> initiative orb
3) 91 succubi - wolfound monster 1 (1797 HP) - 91 succubi - 184 wolfhounds ---> mana orb
4) 4 x 29 nightmares ---> rally orb = 1075 tribal goblins UP
5) 278 swordsmen - 119 stonegnawers - 113 frontier ursary - 22 cyclops ---> HP orb
6) 429 enforcers - 15 archangels - 429 enforcers - 15 archangels ---> initiative orb
7) 9 thrones - 12 leviathans - 9 thrones - 12 leviathans ---> arrow orb
8) crazed troll monster 7 (7493 HP) - 277 vampires - 57 crazed trolls - 277 vampires ---> speed orb

Note: creature monster lvl x appear in combat like monster (x+1) as in mercenary quests

Good luck!
closed by ElfPride (2014-06-12 06:46:58)
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