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[Post deleted by moderator Lord SV22 // Off topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Lord SV22 // off topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Lord SV22 // off topic]
Player banned by moderator Magier until 2014-11-27 13:52:13 // Insulting, flood, massive trolling
why isn't the battle review available?
[Post deleted by moderator virtual_vitrea // off-topic]
Top 10 % main and multi ... :/
for I Am CR7:
Well done ... i like you aldready cuz im indian too and hell yeah a huge Real Madrid fan !!!
Someone's been watching Taken far too much..
Top 10% in lvl.10 :/
Not only did CoW take gold at lvl 15, he actually took first place with a clear margin to the second spot.
Hmm incentive lvl 14
about post 23: is it a copy-past thing, because i have strong feeling that i read that paragraph in somewhere else in forum :P

congrats for winners :)
congrats for winners :)

post 23 was copied from there :p
Ah navy seal copypasta,i laughed too much when seeing that in here :D
[Post deleted by moderator virtual_vitrea // off-topic]
Came 31st :s
worst result possible for me! -_-

For lord HardDude: u mad bro? :P
When will we get alternative elf btw?
when the prizes will be distributed? i got incentive with both my alts, but main was placed only 2 spots away from incentive :(
Prizes distributed.
As we chat over IRC I am tracing your IP

And noone realizes the whole text is just trolling ?
Keep it coming, harddude, they deserve it.

Back on topic : congratulations to all who took part in the event !
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM