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AuthorUse Game Chat
My idea is to promote use of the chat.

Many times I have some question, and posting in forum does not seem appropriate, creating new topic every time. I kind of hesitate in doing that. i look in chat but it is always empty. The clan members may get help from their clanmates easily (i guess). But what about others.

Second for CG battles, PVP, hunt assist, we all like to do battles with some who can read and we can easily get players by using chat.

There could be a lot more benefits of it.

And for this game administration is not required, during the peak time of the game even 10-15 players(this number has to be more) for the start will be great.

Those who agree please do +1 in Chat also :-D
+1 Totally agreed.

It was lively before merge.but now the whole place looks dead :'(
It was lively before merge.but now the whole place looks dead :'(
yea maybe 2 years before the merge the only time i seen the chat active is a year after development
:'( I go to chat even now everyday but, I see no one there. Even if there are someone they Idle.... I am really missing the Old times
LOL I've never seen anyone in chat or "blindfold" combats except by accident, all the way back to 2008.
A couple MCs use it very well to organize the defenses. And of course, lots of side-talks take place. Still, they must be a minority, compared to Skype-usage.

The chat interface being so old and clumsy is a real hindrance. I'm talking by today's standards, not blaming anyone of course. Heck, I miss the IRC days myself, but we need to cater to the whims of the masses ;o)

So... a sexy Java applet popping-up on the side of the screen ?
Ya only and update in chat will Enable people using it :D An modern stylish Chat
So... a sexy Java applet popping-up on the side of the screen ?
I nodded to every sentence before this, but when I reached this...I went...FACEPALM

'sexy' and 'Java applet' do not and cannot co-occur in the same sentence.
I was *so* waiting for someone to point this out. Not surprised you were the one, eh eh.
Chat is very annoying. It has an auto-timer to refresh chat screen and page automatically after few seconds. I hate it! Skype is better than game chat.

Heck, I miss the IRC days myself

I sometimes use IRC and the major problem I found (for me ofcourse) is everytime my connection fails to recieve data packets (needs continous flow of data, a little lag ~1 min will throw you), it throws me out of the conversation and doesn't leave a trace of chat logs when you come back so there is no way of telling whether someone replied to you or your comment.

but we need to cater to the whims of the masses

Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. ;)
problem is that the current in game chat sucks!
that's why everyone is either using skype or some other third party chat service.
the in game chat is so bad that many people (like myself) rely on in game pm if we don't want to use skype!

i'm sure if the in game chat mechanism had an overhaul people would automatically use it a more often.
But I am 200 % sure they wont update Chat becoz ... Game chat is really popular in ru... :D Who care about the English server :P :P
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