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Where is sphynx? Reward to player who find him first :D
egypt:DD do i win?
for charmingelf:
:D drink for you both guys :D
Someone paste this to admins. Else we won't get sphynix.. And vaults :P
well if your talking about the christmas sphynx hes obviously lost in the vast amount administrative script or he wud be here by now! ;D
May be they join server event unlike last year

But then why do the theme start now?
But then why do the theme start now?
most probably generated by game engine which have been set years ago
hmm according to history the sphinx is the riddle so technically where are we?
Now do i win?
May be they join server event unlike last year

But then why do the theme start now?

Cant judge so soon :)
Hopefully we get it tomorrow

Otherwise we will get at 7th jan ( christmas date of russians )
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // On request.]
Here sphynx come :D
Finally it's here
only 3 out of 9 questions right this year was tough!
closed by Arcanide (2014-12-24 20:42:12)
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