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147th Survival Tournament LvL 15

Author147th Survival Tournament LvL 15
Hey guys, here are the waves (LURD):

1) 116 poisoners - 9 abyss demons - 116 poisoners - 9 abyss demons ---> resurrect orb
2) 4 x 10 devils ---> HP orb
3) 4 x 58 ogre magi ---> resurrect orb
4) 31 monks - 13 paladins - 31 monks - 13 paladins ---> defence orb
5) mistresses monster {1} (1105 HP) - 146 brawlers - 754 goblins - 7 devils ---> mana orb
6) 3 x 333 golems - golem monster {3} (3016 HP) UP ---> speed orb
7) 3 x 68 earth shamans - earth shaman monster {1} (1268 HP & 51 mana) ---> rally orb = 218 elite forest keepers from RIGHT
8) 963 imps - 64 priests - 36 brilliant unicorns - 468 dryads ---> attack orb
9) 4 x 1975 tribal goblins ---> attack orb
10) 261 enforcers - 1329 goblin archers - 71 warlords - genie monster {1} (1760 HP) ---> speed orb
11) 14 leviathans - 33 efreeti - 14 leviathans - 33 efreeti ---> defence orb

Good luck all!
Just a small addition:
wave 7: earth shaman monster came from RIGHT
closed by ElfPride (2015-01-12 08:59:28)
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