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Author147th ST CL 14
Good Luck! :)

1.120 forest brethren/ 5 lava dragons/L/U (Resurrection)
2.161 brawlers/ Mino Glad monster (2.5k)/ 65 Liz Cav/ 241 swords (Health orb)
3.206 orcs/ 200 elven bowmen/ 539 mountain sentries/ plain wolves monster (4.5k)

I'm a bit too weak lol XD
1. 120 Forest Brethren LR / 5 Lava Dragons UD / Resurrection
2. 161 Brawlers / Minotaur Gladiator Monster / 65 Lizard Cavalry / 241 Swordsmen / Health
3. 206 Orcs / 200 Elven Bowmen / 539 Mountain Sentries / Plains Wolves Monster / Speed
4. 24 Exorcists LR / 103 Tamed Minotaurs UD / Mana
5. Lorekeepers Monster / 6 Green Dragons UD / 52 Lorekeepers / Arrows
6. 120 Vampire Counts ALL / Health
7. 198 Mercenary Warriors LR / 35 Ladons U / Ladon Monster D / Mana
8. 713 Veterans / 566 Ghouls / Ogres Monster / 102 Earth Elementals / Defense
9. 1217 Hobgoblins ALL / Arrows
10. 87 Air Elementals ALL / Mana
11. Wolf Rider Monster / 355 Wolf Riders URD / Attack
12. 13 Twilight Dragons ALL / ALLY -- 65 Tamed Wyverns U
13. 15 Green Dragons LU / 217 Frenzied Griffins / 1089 Spiders / Speed
closed by ElfPride (2015-01-12 08:59:37)
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