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AuthorSuspected Account sharing, Illigal trasfers and more
Posible, that he is not the real account holder.
He might have suspicios trasfers in transfer log.
If look all log, all those coments are wierd.
And account sharing
He wrotes in PM that he is some user that have lost he accont password, and he have sent password recovery. Im my case, he says hes a user _-NappyBoy-_
But he isnt.
He`s says he want to recover hes account, and then he will give hes guild,(_-NappyBoy-_ is the leader) Adn he asks to use your account for some days, like share it. Or alsks u to give a try to use it.
Letter are in Latvian language. If needed , i can give msg ID of letters.
Im not the only one, he trayed with one of my frends too. I warnded not to do that. He was pretending as her Son (from england)

If i Did wrong post, im sorry about it.
If no detailed proof, sorry...
im just saying that other players who belive in gold promises, might
have a problem get to it, if get mess with this guy.
Newst transfer log

2014-12-2918:02Received element(s): 'Tiger`s claw' 4 pcs. fromZipo1984. Transaction price: 2 Gold: hranenije
2014-12-2918:02Received element(s): 'Ice crystal' 3 pcs. fromZipo1984. Transaction price: 1 Gold: na hranenije
2014-12-2918:02Received element(s): 'Windflower' 5 pcs. fromZipo1984. Transaction price: 100 Gold: podarok na novij god :)
2014-12-2918:02Received element(s): 'Meteorite shard' 1 pcs. fromZipo1984: hranenije
2014-12-2918:01Received element(s): 'Fire crystal' 3 pcs. fromZipo1984: hranenije!

realy, recived elements as for saving?
There is when artifacts store at some inventar, but elements?

Also look other transfers with russian name player.
There is many many suspisios stuff to take a look
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // As Requested]
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // As Requested]
yeah and he tray to take another peoples characters
This case can be closed. Scamer is bloc`d. Didnt expect that meelis2 will be bloc`d too, he had wery strong paswd. And i tolk with him, he was the real user of acc..
Um, not at all..
This character id=6020227
And hes Transfers:
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=6020227 here we go again.. this person have multy accounts.. wich is blocked, and looks this account havent been used for while... but... all will start again, or maybe he stoled this one too.. who knows...

And was making PM to id=882471 player, saying hes Evucits, asking, begging for loans.
And was making PM to id=882471 player, saying hes Evucits, asking, begging for loans. This is the sms_id=393198979
Why my friend profile get blocked?
He didn't do anything.
Explain please.

because he has been found in illegal transfers and financial assist.
if he wants to appeal this decision he can, but looking at his transfer log, I doubt it will go in his favor.
Aren't first is penalties?
for latviesu lords:
Not in case of multy hacked, cheated accounts, account sharing and all other stuff wich incudes multy illegal transfers like u had betveen same IP (Valciks)
Or what ever he was..
Its all same gang wich skamed many ppl, and frends. who got now block. Thanx to ..
Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2015-01-03 20:59:16 // pointless message in CaA

Posible same person.
Another stolen account!

According to this forum, he is still stealing accounts.
The Keldish is Latvina guild leader of guild

So he is pretending to be leader, and then will ask for share accont or some thing like that.
Same msg content as i recived befor.
for PrettyElf:
Violations in Private mail, such as insults, begging, instigating to rule violation etc. should be forwarded to the 'Insults' character. To forward a message that violates rules, click 'Reply' button and change the name of the receiver to ‘Insults’.
closed by Beliar (2015-01-14 10:08:32)
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