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It appears white because it absorbs visible light
Really? I think this is not correct as we can see a color only if a reflected ray comes to us, note that any absorbed light can't show colors. I don't know what is with polar bears, I am telling what knowledge I have with me

We humans see visible light.
Colours are basically different wavelength lying in the visible region of spectroscopy.
We see colours only because we see visible light.

For more info, kindly google it.
yes but the same can be said of any object. we see colors because we see visible light. all colors are a reflection of light. no light at all, and we see nothing at all. trust me, im a doctor lol.
i give it to nefarious god. ur logic is perfect :)

however the answer cannot be accepted as black. it is the skin of polar bear which is black. its fur is transparent, hollow and reflects visible light, not absorbs. so it looks white. however we cant say it is white just cos its skin is black since it looks white. Trust me, am asian too ;) anyway it is debatable and not issue of the day. i like ur way of thinking.

Q3 winner : Nefarious god

prize will be given shortly.
next question will be given shortly!!
Q4: One day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older
twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How?
answers -
1) he got a cake . lol
and a little more logical -
2) kerry was born on 28 feb just before midnight , and terry after 12 am. The current year is a leap year
3)maybe their mother is Irina Vasylkova . and she gave birth on plane was going from one time zone to other
4) a combination of 2 and 3 ??
I think the question should be younger twin brother and not elder.
The answer given by Dbest seem most probable
This is actually not a very good question, because it's answer is also, well:

They were in a boat or a ship when they were in her mother's womb.
Let's say, it's a the leap year, and it's March 1st.
Terry is born on 1st march.
Then, they cross an international border, and it's Feb 28th then.
Kerry is born on 28th Feb.
hence, the 2 day difference.
again am forced to give it to "nefarious god". Dbest is very close, but lacks clarity and not exactly right about elder and younger.

Q4 winner : Nefarious god

prize will be transferred shortly.

q5 will be given shortly. next question i will make sure is real tough.
Hue this is fun :D
Thank you PRAJOY for such a wonderful contest :D
I wish the reward was a little more like 500 gold or so :P

i am a five letter word.
people eat me!
if u remove one letter from me i am a form of energy,
if u remove two letters from me i will be needed for living,
if u remove three letters from me i will be a preposition,
if u remove four letter from me i will be a drink for you!
That's a class 5 one
The answer's WHEAT mate :)
Obviously WHEAT !
there was no tip on this one so I refuse to answer :p
Bacon! the answer is always bacon lol. you can eat it, its a form of energy, it has protein (needed for living), you can preposition someone with bacon, and they make bacon flavored vodka. and it has 5 letters, so I win lol.

... bacon always wins.
sry guys that was an really easy one.

Winner : DBest

reward will be transferred shortly. next question will be out shortly
Q6 :

Bank is getting robbed and one of the robbers tells one of the tellers to give him all of the money. The teller tells him she doesn't have access to it.

Suddenly the phone rings. The robber tells the teller to answer it and not give them away. She picks up the phone and it happens to be her mother. She tells her mother "Is this an emergency mom? Call me when I get home, I could use some help painting." Then she hangs up.

The robbers continue to try to get into the vault but twenty minutes later the police show up with the tellers mom and arrest them all.

How did the police know about the robbery?
Is this an emergency mom? Call me when I get home, I could use some help painting.

Why would her mother call when she is at home ?
Lets suppose she lives other place
But the way of asking
"Is this an emergency mom ?"
Indicates its an emergency
The correct one by the way must me
The girl used mute button so only thing mom heard was

emergency . call . help
did u check the internet and say the answer??
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