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[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // ]
Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2015-03-12 15:17:14 // 4.5. Foul language with regard to an administrator can be punished by banning for 1 month up to blocking the violator's character
before this player gets blocked, please take note of his transfer log, evidently planned as to actually do some financial assist.

[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // ]
Player banned by moderator MrBattleControl until 2015-01-18 15:19:31 // FR 2.2,1.7 / Vulgar language+Additional characters are not allowed to leave messages at the "Main forums"
15 mins passed on such an awkward topic and still no actions took by our fellow mods...
Wondering where they are... -_-"
Well , I can smell something fishy .
A player never heard of before comes and abuses - clearly wants to get blocked .
The thing is that he just transfered all gold as a 'loan' to someone .
If the lender was blocked there would be no need to pay back loan . Someone's about to get lucky ! Not a good strategy mate
Sorry but .. You got served !

Unless .. Unless .. He returns the loan back ! :P
for beast:
Mohitgupta2 is my multi.
3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("extrachars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or finance) are forbidden. All extrachars found will be blocked, and the owner will be subject to penalty or block.

3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited.

and most important:

1.1. Ignorance of the following rules does not relieve the responsibility for their violation.
closed by MrBattleControl (2015-01-11 15:15:00)
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