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AuthorLegend of Battles.
This is an old traditional battle type. Each level has its legend and he/she will have to defend his/her title against the challengers In a MAX ap duel.

Thus , i declare myself as The legend of the level 11. Challengers are welcomed.
I declare myself legend of level 8
I declare myself legend of level 10
I challenge devin for level 11
But wait, are only shop arts allowed or max AP means all max ap?
Only shop arts ofcourse :P
Nah, all arts:p
In a MAX ap duel.

I think another option could be that the challenger and the legend decide what type of battle they want (Min AP, 20 AP etc). Indeed, incase of difference of opinion, the legend's opinion prevails.

What do you say? :)
@9 - sure , @stupefy - Im waitin :P
@devin : So the battle starts:D
@devin, you want to fight or not?
If not, I guess I should claim myself the legend without the fight((
I declare myself as lvl 12 legend :)
I declare myself an emperor , i see a lot things have change while i was gone
@ stupefy - wait till I get online lol
I remain the legend of the level :)


You can challenge me again in 2 days ( gap between each battle for each legend)
Another stipulation - Triple threat fights are allowed but teaming up is strictly prohibited.

Legend of the level Battles must always be posted in this forums once they have been finished.
Triple threat fights
What does that mean?
I declare myself legend of level 13 (no DU:P)
What does that mean?
everyone for oneself :) devin looks lyk wwe fan lol
maybe we can allso have fetal four way? :D
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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