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Just for pun.

We can start chains of puns on a random sentence..post people! :)
I'll begin with the statement..now let the pun battle begin!

Elf is a good faction.
Demon is not bad either.
Elf has longer years.
unborn is cool
Guess that won't work lol.

We can start with a famous topic - Country name puns!

Hi, I'm Hungary.
Better to be Russian to the fridge then!
Europe, Australia and North America > Rest of the world.
for Usbeorn:
I Czeched the Fridge, but Syriasly, there's nothing over there :(
for narutoayan:
Norway! Look somewhere else Kenya? xD

Hang on, I'll look India-lmira.
>>Iran a look at it, but found nothing!
Julia Drusilla: You are a fool.

Caligula: Caesar cannot be a fool!

Julia Drusilla: But he's trying very hard...

Caligula: Caesar cannot be a fool!
Hang on, I'll look India-lmira.
>>Iran a look at it, but found nothing!

Yemen, best to be on a diet. Greece are killing people nowadays :)
for Usbeorn:

RU kidding me? XD
for narutoayan:
Jamaican (You're making) me crazy of this food talk! Let's be Finnish about this talk and change topic :)
Change the tropic so soon?
for narutoayan:
Haha I meant not on food xD, not the whole topic in general!
Was in a hurry so read it wrong sorry ;)

Ok, you start the next topic for our great pun battle :)
Im riding on chile colored wales :P
Its difficult to put a new Angola (angle) on this country pun stuff, Kenya keep up with the challenge?
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