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Authorpre decided event
I see many of the machineryand ffactories on map are with 0 gold
So people cannot enroll there as most of the time there is no gold in there
So what suggest is we have a predecided event with those arts only which do not sell so regularly
This will make sure that at least for a week or so we have gold in those machinery and we can enroll there

And this can be done if say the event is announced a month early for people to collect gold enough to buy those arts

Like u have shop arts only event......this could be limited arts only event :P
I don't get your point much. Sounds like you suggest that facilities will work accordingly to how many people are playing / how much demand there is in arts. Well, could be useful, even in reality facilities work different when there is more/less traffic.
yes.The main point is that the facilities keep running
some of them are hardly available for enroll most of the time
this is simply because you have better option of arts for them
so either make the arts within the same benefit level or remove them completely
there should be a balance between all the arts and their uses
i see only limited of them in demand and the rest of them are seldom used
more arts means more flexibility = more options = more fun

as for facilities not having gold, this game (if you haven't noticed yet) is called lords of war and money. and it has a live economy which shifts with supply and demand.
learn to live with it!
if all facilities always had money people would travel very rarely. which would reduce thieving opportunities. also it would result in all facilities having equal value which is bad for clan wars.
-1 all arts are needs nothing want to removed. in fact we need more new arts also :P
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