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english speaking

Authorenglish speaking
wot are few military english speaking clans?
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2015-04-08 17:39:12 // FR#1.7//Additional characters aren't allowed to post in main forum
6.7. Posting "I want to join this clan."-like threads. If you are searching for a clan, look in the clan forum and contact the leader or the recruiters of the clan(s) you are interested in.
If not only, but most active are:

Angels & Demons
Dragon Slaughter
Empire`s Wrath
European Foreign League
6.7. Posting "I want to join this clan."-like threads. If you are searching for a clan, look in the clan forum and contact the leader or the recruiters of the clan(s) you are interested in.
closed by ElfPride (2015-04-08 17:20:23)
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