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AuthorHunting Season - Expensive
As we all know we can do hunt season only with shot arts !

For my level I need 32 AP
Buying all cheapest arts get me 817g/battle. So it costs me 44,118g
for the entire event ! After each successful hunts we get 175g, (i.e)
175*54 = 9450(If we win all 54 battles). So this means its a very much
Expensive event.

Suggestion -
1. Lower the required AP
2. Enables us to play with H, MH, GH, BB sets !

Hope the final prize will be worth it.
Im spending approx. 800 per battle using 38 AP. Leasing is always expensive, Buy your own arts.
Ill spend 43200 gold. Suppose I win 40 battles( not too tough) ill get 40x200 = 8000 gold. That means a loss of 35.2k gold which will be covered by arts + hp + high fsp
918 here.
If you let people play with hunter sets, it will be even more expensive...
my situation is all the more precarious.....at-least you all are winning battles. I have played 21 and lost 9, and holding 4 records only. Late movers disadvantage.
Pretty much every event that we play requires us to play in full AP so I don't see what this makes it different, albeit the name hunting season or whatever name you want to call it, its nature is still an event.. And besides I'm actually okay with the hunter, armament drop rate!

If you let people play with hunter sets, it will be even more expensive...
Prices have gone down when the event started as they pretty much comes frequently as your win loot.

I have played 21 and lost 9, and holding 4 records only. Late movers disadvantage.
At lower levels (rather than high ones) I doubt playing late/early is the main factor, and to illustrate it e.g.

contras it with mine: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_warlog.php?id=5951712
more important is the timing of Monks (59), Twilight dragons (14)
@6 And how many people does actually takes the 100% of what the faction could offer?
I mean maximize the survival, maximize the versatility and maximize the damage output? Plus maximize the talents, to refine overall conjuction.

I know I wasn't with the best build at beginning of this event. Assume all high level players are losing because they're just high level... Make me laugh please.
About the topic.
This event has only 2 days left, and this is the very first time it's settle. No changes even if they wanted to, which is something very unlikely by the way. Making a event isn't something that can be done without proper planning before, which means they've settle full ap on purpose.

Besides, if you were allowed to use minimal ap or semi full ap, would you be the hunter or the hunted? Lol.
for Stephen Clark:

in this game, you do not earn gold from fighting, most cases you lose gold but earn fsp (faction skill points)

gold comes from labors guild (= enrolls) or thru donation ;)
Give the admins a break, this is the first of its kind event. They'll hopefully learn from this.
gold comes from labors guild (= enrolls) or thru donation ;)
Or through ST or roulette hehehe ^_^
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