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AuthorIllegal transfer of gold and artifacts (Financial assist)
Player : nave2001 (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=6488912)

Multi : molo21 (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=6517486)

Transfer log : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=6488912

2015-04-20 20:22: Received item: 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] from molo21
2015-04-20 20:21: Received item: 'Light axe' [25/25] from molo21
2015-04-20 20:05: Received 2550 Gold 2 Ore 2 Wood from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-20 13:57: Received 814 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-19 23:21: Received 158 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-19 21:15: Transferred 500 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 5: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-19 21:15: Transferred 65 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 1: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-19 19:16: Received 77 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-19 18:27: Received 918 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-18 14:06: Transferred 50 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 1: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-18 14:06: Transferred 900 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 9: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-18 14:06: Transferred 1015 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 10: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-18 14:06: Transferred 1015 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 10: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-18 13:26: Received item: 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] from molo21
2015-04-18 13:23: Transferred item: 'Pendant of Buffalo' [1/18] for molo21 . Transaction price: 100 Gold, Commission 1
2015-04-17 23:20: Received 3 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-17 23:20: Received 210 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-17 15:23: Received item: 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from molo21
2015-04-16 21:59: Received 5 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-16 21:59: Received 7 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-16 21:58: Received 440 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-16 21:22: Received item: 'Hunter pendant' [7/10] from molo21
2015-04-08 22:15: Transferred item: 'Hunter pendant' [7/10] for molo21
2015-04-08 20:35: Received item: 'Wooden sword' [6/7] from molo21
2015-04-08 20:33: Transferred 1728 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 17: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-08 12:36: Received 3000 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-08 12:35: Received 20 Ore 25 Wood from molo21: zabiraj sebe
2015-04-08 12:32: Received 5 Ore from molo21
2015-04-08 01:35: Transferred 2000 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 20: spasiba sto ja adalzil smog ja
2015-04-07 23:45: Transferred 9500 Gold for molo21, Commission charged: 95: spasiba sto ja adalzil smog ja
2015-04-07 23:44: Received item: 'Ring of ambition' [15/15] from molo21 . Transaction price: 2 Gold
2015-04-07 23:44: Received item: 'Light axe' [25/25] from molo21 . Transaction price: 2 Gold
2015-04-07 23:44: Received item: 'Ring of ambition' [15/15] from molo21 . Transaction price: 2 Gold
2015-04-07 23:43: Received item: 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from molo21 . Transaction price: 10 Gold
2015-04-07 23:43: Received item: 'Light axe' [25/25] from molo21 . Transaction price: 10 Gold
2015-04-07 23:43: Received item: 'Pendant of Buffalo' [20/20] from molo21 . Transaction price: 30 Gold
2015-04-07 23:43: Received item: 'Chain helmet' [40/40] from molo21 . Transaction price: 20 Gold
2015-04-07 23:42: Received 11000 Gold from molo21: zabiraj sebe

Violated Rules :

3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("extrachars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or finance) are forbidden. All extrachars found will be blocked, and the owner will be subject to penalty or block.

3.10.1. If you register an additional character, you are bound to show that in the opening line of the "character information" of both, commenting who is the main character and who is the additional one. Just the line "I've got another character" or "This is an additional character" is not enough. Indication of nicknames of them all is obligatory. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked on sight.

3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a thi
Violated Rules :

3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("extrachars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or finance) are forbidden. All extrachars found will be blocked, and the owner will be subject to penalty or block.

3.10.1. If you register an additional character, you are bound to show that in the opening line of the "character information" of both, commenting who is the main character and who is the additional one. Just the line "I've got another character" or "This is an additional character" is not enough. Indication of nicknames of them all is obligatory. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked on sight.

3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited.

3.13. Additional characters are not allowed to make presents to anyone. When buying game items from other characters, the prices mustn't differ too much from the average market prices. Trying to wash the money through substitute parties is a serious violation leading to block of the additional characters and penalty to the main one.
3.13.1. Additional characters are not allowed to loan, lend or borrow any game valuables.
3.13.4. Additional characters are not allowed to take or give items for rent. They are allowed to use the lease shop
closed by Beliar (2015-04-27 11:47:34)
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