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AuthorBrilliant Questions From Unintelligent People
Help I have few questions.

1. I am now 22 years old and my eyesight is worsening, at what point do I get adult supervision?

2. When we use ad-block software that blocks 99.99% of ads, are we not just selecting only the strongest and most resistant ads to repopulate our internets?

3. If electricity always follows the path of least resistance, why doesn't lightning only strike in France?

I am not very good at science and math. Any help appreciated.
where do u get all this stuff ?:P
They always say gravity is strong. Gravity is powerful.
Today I was wondering, how can gravity be so strong if it doesn't even lift?

Sounds like a fine scam to me!
1) look at the mirror. Viola. You have adult supervision.

2) lel

3)least or most resistance. Just like light.
I don't get the France reference though :(
Their revolution speaks to the contrary.

4) they lie to you. Gravity is the weakest force there is.
most resistance

can u explain when does THAT happen.?
Gravity is the weakest force there is.

This. If Gravity is an electromagnetic wave, and light is made of electromagnetic waves, then how could gravity be real if our eyes aren't? If we can't see it, then it can't be real!
Or maybe gravity is lifting everything on the other side of the planet. That's why it doesn't fall off.
Gravity isn't an electromagnetic wave.
Gravity isn't an electromagnetic wave.

Oh nice man! You see I am not very intelligent that is why I have decided to join the military.
How much mustard gas or pepper spray do I have to be exposed before I become a seasoned veteran?
do people die when they are killed??
1) look at the mirror. Viola. You have adult supervision.

Why does a mirror look like eyeballs way up close? Ooh man this is so confusing. Please help I am not good with maths and science :(
I need adult super vision fast.
do people die when they are killed??

This is a common misconception. Killing has multiple meanings, so does dying. One can be killed emotionally, like when my ex wife took my house, my car, my kids and all my money, but the person is still alive, just a little dead inside. Then there are those cases when someone can die when they are killed, like when my ex wife's car didn't have any breaks as it went down a hill and off a cliff. And then when something like that happens some people who are dead inside live again despite being killed. You following me?
If swimming is an excellent fitness exercise, why are whales fat?
Here are your answers...
1. You can get a adult supervision when when you feel you need. You are a major now and hence eligible to take your own decision unless you are insane.

2. You are not selecting strongest or most resistant ads. You are being forced by your software to selecting. There is lack of free will.

3. Are you sure France has least resistance? I think you need to visit Central African nations.
But I have a more pressing question. If everything follows the principle of demand and supply than what happens to humanity after every live birth?
If swimming is an excellent fitness exercise, why are whales fat?

Whales don't swim but rather use their immense psychic power (a by product of their massive brains) to move the earth while they stay in a fixed spot. Because there are dozens of whales sometimes their psychic spheres clash and create earthquakes.

I am a Marine Biologist and hence an expert in this area. Also this also explains why Japan has so many earthquakes.

I popped a can of Pringles and now the fun won't stop. How can I make the fun stop? Please help, it's been 2 days already.
Please help me stop the fun. OOh man! The fun is killing me. Help please!
MB you should visit doctor and show him can of pringles for prescription. He will certainly make the fun stop.
I suggest you breathe the nitrogen packed air that is sold by Lays.
But not too much or you'll get high..
How can mathematics be real if our i's aren't real?
I think your world is suffering from a lack of vitamin me?
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