Author | spel |
Could be a spell witch takes off retaliation Player banned by moderator Lord STB until 2015-06-18 20:03:06 // FR2.3 / Please use a header that describe the contents better. |
IMO we don't need any more things that have no retal. We already have runes that gives practically gives no retal effect, shrews, damaging spells, range, etc.. By proposing a no retal spell, it would effectively render the retaliation feature useless.. |
Interested but
it would effectively render the retaliation feature useless.. |
caster monster with spell like that , i think it could give game more strategy opitions |
Interesting indeed but it will be overpowerful. |
There is already a spell that takes off retaliation. And that is confusion and it's much stronger than denying one's retaliation until his next turn.
Anyway, suggesting new spells is totally out of the question for now I think. Admins haven't even introduced the standard set of all the spells they want, it's too soon to suggest new ones. |
The spell makes target stack of enemy creatures forget what they are doing on the battlefield. Part of the stack's creatures do not retaliate or shoot. The spell does not affect Undead, Elemental and Mechanical creatures.
I think that they want spell that effect on Undead, Elemental and Mechanical creatures
but the bigest problems is : it will be overpowerful
I think that you can closed that idea for little time :) |
closed by grif (2015-06-26 16:44:29) |