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Authorsurvil event rewards
What arts do you think it is worth to buy.
What arts do you think it would be highest market price.
What arts do you think to spend remaining coin after purchasing high durable one at near end.
Everyone could have different opinion.

I think it is discussion rather than question, so post it in GGF.
I also have 1 question.. sounds kinda stupid

Low level players can not buy high lvl arts.. like i cannot buy lvl 12 arts
So my question is.. can high lvl players buy low lvl arts?

I think probably they can , but if they buy all low lvl arts.. what low lvl players will buy , since we cannot buy high lvl ones --
Market arts change after 1 hour(If I am correct)

So if they buy all, wait for another market items for next market.
There are 15 durability arts which go for 400 each, they seem to be cheaper with cumulative durability. Are they worth buying?
If you use then discard and have the inventory space then yes. If you aim to resell or enchant then no.
Are they worth buying?

Yes. Unless yu manage to earn 8000+ gold.
closed by Gaara (2015-08-20 07:50:18)
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