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AuthorSurvilurgs difficulty for Holy Knights faction
Most important fact that Holy Knights faction is contrast to all other factions.


*In all other factions, shooter are supportive stacks and melee stacks are main stack to do. But in Holy Knights, shooter (Warden) is main stack and melee stacks are supportive.

*Because, in all other factions (main stacks)melees have good initiative and speed. So, possibly they can finish their turn before die. But, main stack of holy knight 'warden' has not such possibility to do.

*Another important fact, I tried with both lower and higher level players in facility battles. In both case, the magic wipe out holy Knight troops first.
(Four fire walls created by level 20 Unholy necromancer AI to kill level 15 holy knights)(there already level 20 and 19 troops are not targeted)

*Even though there is level 19 and 20 troops still in field. But, targeted level 15 holy knights in beginning. (Just think, Is that anyway the AI plan is neutralize for all the factions)

(For proof, check the above sample battle links and my combat log)
despite of my 9th comment which i hinted, we are wasting time to advice a guy who never accept other peoples advice or never care :P
*In all other factions, shooter are supportive stacks and melee stacks are main stack to do. But in Holy Knights, shooter (Warden) is main stack and melee stacks are supportive.
take a look at this. just like hunting 100k zombies with full buffed warden+his phantoms. he wanted to do it in all kind of battles. problem is stupid AI is not allowing him to stand corned and snipe with his gun.

after all pro advice which is posted here, what result ? he still stands with his shooting dream :P

*No faction have shooters which is ignored by AI(may be x-bow is some what exception)
{we are wasting time to advice a guy who never accept other peoples advice or never care :P

he still stands with his shooting dream :P }

How Laughable you are!! {Think that you are a good adviser (posting with cheeky smile)}

In the beginning, I clearly mentioned that i posted to suggest something which is not comfortable to play as Holy knights faction. That meant, the post is for game server and related persons only not for others.(If they changed to general link, it is not my concern)

If I need any advice from player's, I use Queries link to get it. (you can show you advice talent there)
Do not advice me to play with different faction (If anyone really feel to advice)


By experience as Holy knights faction, I posted all the possible facts to explain the uncomfortable situations in facility defense battles.

Taking steps to resolve the issue or not is up to you all.

* This thread was move because there was no suggestion or idea in the first post. I only found complains about the weakness of a faction. If this was an attempt to suggest that Red Knight should be stronger, it is not allowed in I&S.

* I have seen Cerberi be attacked before Wardens, but that probably included different setup of the Red Knight.

* The AI picks the most dangerous enemy and kills it first. We do too. Few HP, low defense and lots of damage is a sure way to attract attention.

* There are some very good advice in this thread and some that I think might be more doubtful. Try out different strategies and setups. This is what the game is about. The more you understand about the game, the more you learn to adopt to different situations. When something fails, I promise that there is a better way to play.
warden have less initiative it is because they did more dmg and hero have true light ability. high fsl hero's mass raid will clear it. also holyknight/battle wiz/charmer are primary target for AI, no matter if you team up with high level player or low level player.

also knight(both red and white) are the most balanced faction. if still you feel trouble to play with it means :P you know right ? haha
also holyknight/battle wiz/charmer are primary target for AI,

there is a soultion for that, swap defense and attack points and AI will no longer see you as threat eg if you have 45 att 30 def change to >> 30 att 45 def
'Warden' stack is most important as playing 'Holy Knights'. But, It was targeted by magic damages in beginning of all the battles "before get it's turn"

it was because AI had higher priority to kill the highest threat on field. like it or not, warden is 1 of the most favorite targets for AI. warden is a dead meat. that dosent matter, use other recruitment to reduce your casuality.

did you ever try to use your battle griffin? brute? crusader?

red knight battle griffin has lesser priority than white knight royal griffin.
red knight brute is much more potential than white knight recruit
red knight crusader with full buff can deliver quite a big damage than white knight guardian.

after all, you still cant learn from your mistake. Refer to the topic below:


wake up, knight has no range advantage all time, any time. you want range advantage, go elf, nerco or barbarian with their fast and powerful shooter.

well, same happen to crossbowmen if any white knight recruit max crossbowmen. that's the reason no white knight deploy max crossbowmen, that's a suicide.
*In all other factions, shooter are supportive stacks and melee stacks are main stack to do. But in Holy Knights, shooter (Warden) is main stack and melee stacks are supportive.

what planet are you living on, cause id love to join you.!!!

it has been said many times, but you are choosing not to listen, wardens are no longer the main stack when fighting an AI. you need to adjust your fighting style to suit the changes in AI. accept it and move on.
A.I. hits whoever is the biggest threat on the field. Even in a PvP situation I'd prefer taking out wardens first thing, since it can one hit K.O. literally ANY stack. So as far as logic goes, A.I. is playing very logically.

Now in all honesty, there has to be a creature at the top of the priority table for the A.I., and that unfortunately (but logically) is the warden. Now let me just refute you're arguments in a sane manner.

*In all other factions, shooter are supportive stacks and melee stacks are main stack to do. But in Holy Knights, shooter (Warden) is main stack and melee stacks are supportive.

Elves are primarily a Shooter Build. Yet we see Elven builds which completely ignore GMBs and simply focus on damage dealt by Uni and EFK (Which dies in a turn or 2). That too should be called unfair imho.

*Because, in all other factions (main stacks)melees have good initiative and speed. So, possibly they can finish their turn before die. But, main stack of holy knight 'warden' has not such possibility to do.

What's the alternative to Initiative...? Lots of Meat. Red Knight has the highest amount of meat of all factions. Hence they can take the highest blows. You can't expect Speed + Endurace, one has to be sacrificed. Best example, Elf again, insane speed, paper like units.
*Another important fact, I tried with both lower and higher level players in facility battles. In both case, the magic wipe out holy Knight troops first.
(Four fire walls created by level 20 Unholy necromancer AI to kill level 15 holy knights)(there already level 20 and 19 troops are not targeted)

It deals the highest damage to you, why would it not cast firewall? Do you want the A.I. to be "Dumber" by selecting less threatening units as targets.

Why are you even going in with Level 19 and 20s? Even as a Defense Tribal I avoid that.
for TheKnightsss:

If you really really want to use max wardens, here's something you might want consider:

Use full set of temporal art for defense. With the high ini bonus and 15% initial ATB, there is a decent chance that your wardens can move before AI shooters
Even so, they will shoot ONCE. So what's the point ?!
Check good battles from real players : those who use shooters most likely have them as *decoys* and rely on much more powerful units instead.
for Derelict:

If they can take out the most dangerous stack of enemy then it's quite worth it. The only problem is that it's too expensive
for TheKnightsss:
You create topics again and again complaining about knights or other factions. Perhaps its not the faction thats the problem, perhaps its your playing style.

Every player with a bit experience against Survilurgs uses wardens pure as bait, you should not count on them to give hits, just use them as bait. It is indeed easier to play white knight with fervor here.
closed by TheKnightsss (2015-08-29 07:39:32)
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