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25th Mixed tournament plus


Author25th Mixed tournament plus

Infinite battles! Let's go!
Infinite battles! Let's go!
Holy shit.!

Gold - 20 wins and winning percentage of 90% of the fights

Silver - 20 wins and winning percentage of 80% battles

Bronze - 20 Wins
I though It should be in tournament section, BTW.
Wrong froum create?
Lol ∞
^ that weird code was supposed to be an infinity sign...
that weird code was supposed to be an infinity sign
This forum doesn't support Unicode symbols.

Let’s get ready to rumble!
What does it mean "plus". Can sb expalian?
"Group battle of diverse combat levels" - Was it always like this?

I think they have added on "diverse"..XD

Anyways, awesome!! :D
What does it mean "plus"

It means that you have unlimited tries, so basically everyone can win a battle 20 times and get the bronze award.
Thx, like I thought :)
This forum doesn't support Unicode symbols.

Ohh ok, thanks Ixenzo :)
no tnx
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Tournaments".
It's amazing how retarded some higher levels are.
You have 20 of victories out of 25 battles. Victorious battles percentage: 80%.

Have had some of the most epic battles of my entire lwm life. Still can't believe some of those were won.
It's amazing how retarded some higher levels are.
Really I agree with you on this
20/37 :P
Atleast will get bronze medal..
i thought i was on coarse for silver .. but stupid low level teammates cost me a few games .. getting silver seems pretty easy
Check out this battle, the tribal's skills are unbelievable: https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=717271694&lt
It's amazing how retarded some higher levels are.
Really I agree with you on this
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