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AuthorImprove Rangers Guild

i'm playing with one of my alts these RG combats, but nowadays it become close to useless to do them.
My complains:
* complete crappy gold reward: less than 100 gold for using either near to full or full arts
* no information about RG assist, no one will know ever if some ranger ask for help somewhere and go there and help him, so this assist is one stupid idea, is not 'signalized' in any way; at least a specific color can be made (like in clan next defence) or a specific new icon as for enlisting in QTs
* crappy ratio; in comparison with the new WG, here's an example:
RG: 5733 exp, 81 gold, 1.6 fsp - a normal RG win (full arted)
WG: 7340 exp, 1014 gold, 5.37 fsp - a 3 star win (also full arted)
What guild combats do you think is more common sense to play further?
* all AI assistants looks the same, i have no idea what race will help me at all; and i must be wrong, but i think you cannot give 'wait' order until it's your units turn, if is ally turn, its units move ahead brainless
* AI enemies (playing smart now) have much troops than TG AIs, and i consider that some units cannot reach them 1st turn no matter what (ex: necro skells stack in the corners), which make the battle more difficult and requires more AP.

So, why would someone bother with RG anymore? If he wants full arted combats, he can choose WG, and he cannot need mount for this.
This guild need to be improved.
So, why would someone bother with RG anymore? If he wants full arted combats, he can choose WG, and he cannot need mount for this.

wg is limited to 3 combat/day
the difficulty of rg is dynamic balance just as tg, use min ap you will solve your point 1 3 and 5.
you can command your ai ally via typing, so point 4 is meaningless.
little people plays rg now, so point 2 is neglectable.
you can command your ai ally via typing, so point 4 is meaningless.

only if their turns come after you. If their turns are before you, there is no way to command them
-1 I prefer RG staying crappy as it is, rage-full APers come and waste my TG attempts.
So, why would someone bother with RG anymore?

the arts for ranger equipment cost 100k and above gold at market
-1 I prefer RG staying crappy as it is, rage-full APers come and waste my TG attempts.
So, why would someone bother with RG anymore?
rage-full APers come and waste my TG attempts.

--> exactly, be that rageful APer and waste Thief attempts. :o)
-1 I prefer RG staying crappy as it is, rage-full APers come and waste my TG attempts.

How to call this Courage or Brave? :)
BTW, To stay on topic, It definitely needs some changes or else just destroy the guild :)
* crappy ratio; in comparison with the new WG, here's an example:
RG: 5733 exp, 81 gold, 1.6 fsp - a normal RG win (full arted)
WG: 7340 exp, 1014 gold, 5.37 fsp - a 3 star win (also full arted)
What guild combats do you think is more common sense to play further?

Why do you compare it with rangers which provides the single best ratio outside of events? And actually compare it with 3 starts when 1 star would provide much worse ratio? 5700 exp for 1.6 fsp isn't very different from CG ratio, which is full arted, too.

It is my understanding that RG was an attempt to offer a "free" alternative to TG, but not something as good as, or better, otherwise there would be no point in TG and buying an expensive invite.
How to call this Courage or Brave?

I call it stupidity, they could get much more if they wasted that full-AP of theirs on TG.
I agree with point #2. About the point #3, everything has a bad ratio now if we compare with the WG. RG has a better ratio than TG, BTW.
I prefer RG staying crappy as it is

lol can't agree more
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