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166 ST CL 15

Author166 ST CL 15
1) Royal griffins (50),etc. (Arrows)
2) Liz cavalry (44), etc. (Revive)
3) Efreeti monster (787), Efreeti (14), 14, 14, (Init)
4) Greater leviathans (7), etc. (Attack)
5) Skel bowmen (470) etc. (Revive)
6) Goblin archers (844), Twilight dragons (6), et. al. (Speed)
7) Succubi (130), Gremlin monster (4304), Succubi (130), Gremlin (1771) (Arrows)
8) Faeries (662), Gremlin wreckers (623), et. al. (HP)
9) Black knights (43), Skel (2356), et. al. (Def)
10) Merc sorceres (189), Priests (81), et. al. (Revive)
11) Monks (131), Eggs (938), et. al. (Attack)
12) Sprites (1441), Protectors (614), Venom wyverns (65), Ironroot treefolk (81) (Revive)
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