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AuthorNew event tomorrow
Yes, currently most are magic AI:

Enemy Castle 16 - Darkness Necromancer
Enemy Castle 17 - Darkness Necromancer
Enemy Castle 18 - Darkness Demon
Enemy Castle 19 - Unholy Necromancer
Enemy Castle 20 - Battlewise Wizard
Enemy Castle 21 - Battlewise Wizard
Enemy Castle 22 - Might Barbarian
has anyone tried poison build?
Poisen damage also nerfed?
Even when the AI troops are outside and you have a full shot with a shooter it still does terrible damage, so it doesn't matter where the AI troops are, they are always fully protected, I guess the walls protect them not only from the front but from the back as well, I guess it was too much effort for the admins to implement the difference.

After somehow surviving the 500+ skelli archers, now I'm stuck at level 17 with 219 wardens that get blessed, chasticed, stoneskinned, as if al that wasn't enough the admin threw in even a creature armament upon it, so it deals well over 2k to 1hit anything. The admins have really given this event a lot of thought, as in none at all.
for Lawton:

At least magic shield not working so may b some other reason for shooters.
But if they save them from back then nothing to say regarding this stupidity :|
@Bheem, according to the russian forum, poison damage is also nerfed, all magical damage is seriously nerfed down, and it doesn't matter if you throw it inside or outside the castle, some people have even tried firewalls, the AI seems to avoid it after one hit.

Well, second round went same as first round, 8 wins and 7 losses, but it's gonna go downhill from here on out like for every win I'll have to loose at least 4 times. The easiest opponent for darkelf is demon since they only got one shooter they need to come out after their towers are taken down.
for Lawton:
Its not completely right.

I have tried lightening, shooting myself.
There are 2 cases:
When the enemy is behind unbrocken wall, the magic/ shooting damage is nerfed.
When enemy is behind broken wall, such that there is no wall between shooter and target behind wall, shooter deals full damage!(even the magic)
please note, there may be a case when enemy is behind brocken wall, still magic/shooting damage is nerferd. This is basically because your shooter is at diagonal to enemy, and the adjacent unbrocken walls protect the enemy.

I took lightening spell, one side ladon standing behind brocken wall other side mino(behind brocken wall).
I was able to deal damage twice that of ladon to mino.
Note enemy were behind the wall
Bheem is correct.

I'm fine with any opponent, but not Demon please. 50 Horses, 150 Cerbs, 10 Demons and what not. :P

Day 2 done.

Total combats: 30
Victories: 20
Total pts: 2400, free pts: 229
The strategy, I learn so far in these battles:
Brake tower, and bring out all flying/teleport enemy units, and kill it(one by one).
2) you would then have brocken wall from 1/2 spots so that only non- large creature ca pass through.
3) Block the wall by plcing a unit in front of it so that no large creature can come in.
4) all non large creature would come in, kill step by step.
5) at last open the gates, and kill large creatures.

But still, it is difficult to fight eemy with big shooter stacks.
poison damage is not nerved (it is earth damage, but casted by dark magic)
I am might DE CL 12, and I doing well in the event.
my strategy is to put all parameter on def.
def till my balista destroy 1 archer tower, then snipe the enemy shooter with balista. a hole in the wall will make the ranged damage do full damage, (the hole must be straight line from balista to enemy target).

if no river and spike present, shrews can also breach the hole.

currently win 15 out of 25 battle. 60% win rate.
if the enemy is wizard nuker, put all parameter on attack.
@krabylos, thanks I'm gonna try it out. I will hold out at least longer this way, let's see how that goes.

@Aka and Bheem, odd about the shooting, when enemy troop comes outside the castle and my dark witches gets a full close shot, it only deals a bit above 70 while it is at least twice that normally. It's like they still got 50% outside with full shot and like 85% archery defense on the inside, even my hero almost deals double the damage of my witches.
kratos you are a demon try with de or elf
Tip : PoS works, so why don't you switch to Demon yourself ?

I think I'll post a Suggestion thread : "when 50% people are whining in a thread, have admins close it automatically".
[Post deleted by moderator MrBattleControl // ]
DD opponent , temptress in 2 stacks.. enforcer and commanders are their for 2+ turns.. all army gone. gg admin!
PS- Worst event till date.
Its good they tried to come up with something new , but where the hell is balance?
for Skarbonke:
You started with the issue of demon acing this event in the first place. This must be your first event in a long long time seeing in most past events, demon have never actually been good in any of them and to the contrary, elf and DE were always the better performers.
You started with the issue of demon acing this event in the first place. This must be your first event in a long long time seeing in most past events, demon have never actually been good in any of them and to the contrary, elf and DE were always the better performers.no i have nothink against demon being better POINT was that he was talking about little more challenge isnt that bad when de and elf are not even having a fair chance
I think they aim for about 55% win ratio with this event. I agree it is really really hard, after day three I managed to get to level 28.. Twelve more and I can call it a day :)!

Im pretty sure the next 15 attempts Im gonna lose a lot of them..
real problem is that we have to defeat one opponent before moving on.
and in case it happens to be some build that is really hard for our current faction we are screwed :(
like defensive build tribal for me
lost 4 times before i managed to kill him first time
and now i have another one :(

if all opponents are equal for one combat level, then ok, everyone has same problems.
we all have opportunity to change faction, spend lots of money, etc...
but if opponents are random for each of us, then it is absolutely pure luck how good score will someone make,

very interesting event, too bad it is so unbalanced.
if just they did not make that damn, "finish one opponent" thing, it would be a great event .
1)how, about using evasion and antimagic on our troops?
won't be win easily then?
2)I have lvl 10 catapult, hall I go for tent now?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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