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War machines clattered, rocks cracked and towers tumbled as the castles fell one by one, burying the sympathizers of the former Kingdom with them. Neither high walls, nor deep moats, nor deadly fortifications proved strong enough to withstand the onslaught of the Empire’s armies fearlessly charging forth.
However, the fugitive king Althor IV the Lightbringer proved more cunning, gathering a small warband and falling back to the main castle, his last bastion of hope.

“They’re here,” Althor spoke calmly at the distant sounds of battle taking place in remote castle corridors. “The hour has come to fulfill the prophecy!” His glance moved toward the only other person present in the throne room.
“Just one moment, Your Serene Highness,” replied the monk. He took a few steps toward the throne and began to utter arcane words resembling some sort of a prayer or incantation. The next instant the space before him was warping with bluish blobs of magical energy emerging in the air. Feeling a breath of wind on his cloak, the astounded king watched the blobs dart to and fro wildly, slicing the fabric of time and weaving a mysterious portal.
“What is this devilry?” asked the king in utter disbelief.
“A route of escape, Your Serene Highness,” replied the monk. “We’ve no time to waste.” Abruptly he moved forward, raising his head for a second to reveal a cold, empty stare.
“Who are you!?” Althor drew back, aghast.
“This way…”
“No!” the king refused emphatically, clutching his sword. “I would sooner die here as an honourable man!”
“You fool.” The monk’s voice was menacing now, and his attire was changing appearance into something completely different from a robe.

Sensing something strange, Althor tried to turn back, but a force seized him and held on tight. The next moment he was being dragged toward the portal and then delivered into the cold embrace of the shimmering magical energy.
Finally the doors of the throne room flung open, allowing Warlord Grammith and his companion heroes to catch a glimpse of the fleeing king and see the dark figure standing next to the portal. With an evil sneer the stranger disappeared inside the portal, which, in its turn, quickly vanished into thin air.

Lords and Ladies, the armies of the rebellious supporters of the former Kingdom have been crushed and their castles recaptured and back under Empire’s rule! Their leader, the ignoble king Althor IV the Lightbringer, managed to flee and has yet to be tracked down. Warlord Grammith thanks all of you for answering the call of duty and courageously storming the gates of enemy castles. Your achievements have been noted in your character profiles, marked by the artifacts you have collected during this campaign.

Congratulations on your great victory!
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