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AuthorDifferent damage from fireball

Behemoths dampen 58 damage with Tribal spirit. (110 spirit lost).
Boar riders dampen 117 damage with Tribal spirit. (103 spirit lost).
*NIRORAVS* deals 468 damage to Boar riders with the Fireball spell. 29 perish.
*NIRORAVS* deals 234 damage to Behemoths with the Fireball spell. 1 perish.

Fireball spell did 585 damage on one stack, and 292 (half) on another. I thought it was same damage for all enemies hit.
Ah, someone spotted the fact that pigs got Judged from patriarchs before. Hence the *2 damage.

Topic closed, sorry for the bother.
closed by Derelict (2015-11-26 00:11:52)
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