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Author[News] Hunting Season Opens!
With years of experience, avid hunters hone not only their predatory skills but their storytelling abilities too. Sometimes their tales get taller and taller. Here’s a story that one of Empire’s most renowned beastbanes shared with younger hunters learning the tricks of the trade:
“So there I am, trailing a pack of shrews through the forest. Spotted their tracks in the snow with my
eagle eye, ya know. Soon enough I hear noises in the trees nearby. I dash over there and sure as shooting it’s them redheaded critters. ‘Course, one look at a formidable hunter like myself is enough to send them scampering for their lives. Next moment I’m back in the saddle and chasing them down. Now, shrews are tricky game, I tells ya. A less seasoned hunter than yours truly might not have been up to the task, but Maximillian Zorkus is nobody’s fool! A quarter-hour later the she-devils are cornered well and good… when all of a sudden I hear something whistling past me ears. Can’t see nothin’, but me sharp nose says it’s poisoners’ arrows. Them bastards dug in behind the bushes! “No big deal, I’ve seen worse!” I says to myself... as a squad of grim riders come charging up the left flank. Gotta be the cold weather that’s got them all hot and bothered, what else? Next thing we know they’ll be patrolling the woods with whole armies... Anywho, the hunt went on and I got me some tropheys: three new scars and two cartloads of loot. Nothing Maximillian Zorkus the
Fearless, the Menace of the Woods, can’t handle! Hah!”

Naturally, every anecdote should be taken with a grain of salt. For a hunter’s tale, better make it a pound!

That said, this is far from being the first such report in recent days. While regular folks are inspired and delighted by stories, the Hunters’ Guild got duly concerned. To nip the threat in the bud, the Guild quickly came up with a solution.
Lords and Ladies, today the Hunters’ Guild opens a new Hunting Season and invites all Empire hunters to take part in the event. Before jumping into action, however, take a moment to read the new competition rules:
1. All hunters must have attained combat level 3 or above to be eligible. Only artifacts from the shop are eligible, and no artifact enhancements take effect.
2. Each combat involves one human hunter fighting an army of neutral creatures.
3. You have 14 combat attempts per day. 1 extra attempt per day may be obtained with either a valid Hunters’ Guild license or an active Abu Bakir’s Charm.
4. Unused attempts are not lost but carried over to the next day.
5. A hunter has up to 10 prey options to choose from. By defeating them, he or she can set a new record for the appropriate combat level, faction and class. (Multiple additional records may be set by switching one’s faction or class.)
6. A hunter may replace the offered prey options with new ones.
7. In addition to the record-setting challenge, each player is offered special hunting quests whose objective is to defeat certain creatures while the Hunting Season lasts.
8. Three quests are available per day, which are not carried over to the next day. The currently active quest may be skipped.
9.  You do not have to set new records to complete missions. You have the option to engage in a ‘softened’ combat by clicking the “Defeat at 75% strength” button.
10. For each combat won you earn points towards the Hunters’ Guild as well as gold, creature armaments and hunter artifacts.
11. Increased spell damage for mages does not apply in these hunts.
12. The Hunting Season will last for six days, through January 18.
13. All lords and ladies who retain their records by the end of the Hunting Season will be handsomely rewarded by the Hunters’ Guild.

Good luck hunting!
Special thanks to the player SirReal.
closed by Beliar (2016-01-16 12:39:20)
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