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AuthorTamer Dark Elf Is Here
Despite many obstacles, such as cave beasts regularly attacking the dungeon and its dwellers stubbornly mistrusting strangers, the parlay was drawing to a close. So what if the two sides shared nothing in common except the same enemy, the hated Survilurgs? Councillor Kh’Everst didn’t mind, knowing what truly motivated dungeon elves and their wilful lady ruler. Yet, with just one official paper remaining to be signed, At’Araxia suddenly disappeared – carrying away that very paper.

Later that evening, before any news from the dungeon could reach the Capital, a shadow stole past the city guards, deftly scaled the palace walls and sneaked into an open window. The infiltrator did not, however, get a chance to look around.
– Who are you and what are you doing here? - said the Empress abruptly, quite alarmed and eyeing the nearest trophy weapon rack.
– I only wish to look into the eyes of the one who holds my people’s fate in her hands, – said the Dark Elven women with not a hint of anxiety in her voice.
– So you’re At’Araxia. – The Empress had heard a few things of the intractable Elven leader. – I’ll have you know that fools have lost their heads for transgressions far inferior to this!
– So what is stopping your Majesty!? – challenged the Elf.
– It would do no good to my people, – replied the Empress after a pause, having regained her composure.

At’Araxia’s glance wavered. Only now did she realize why she had come here and what she had wanted to hear. In silence, the Dark Elf produced a paper decorated with Imperial emblems and laid it on the table. With her stare fixed on the Empress, she took out a dagger and in a snake motion drew it across the palm of her own hand. Quickly she stamped the paper with her bleeding hand, leaving a mark that rather resembled the Dark Elves’ coat of arms.

Lords and Ladies, the negotiations with dungeon elves are over. Having given a blood oath of allegiance to the Empire, all loyal Tamer Dark Elves became its rightful subjects with all the responsibilities and privileges that entails. Starting with combat level 5, all Dark Elves can master the art of taming underground creatures and summon them in battle. You are free to switch between the main and alternative Darf Elf classes with no restrictions.


Tamer Dark Elf is the new alternative class of the Dark Elf faction. Their unique faction ability, ‘Summon underground creatures,’ lets them summon Spiders, Harpies, Evil Eyes, or Trolls from the dungeons to the battlefield. The number of summoned creatures depends on your faction skill level, while their type depends on your combat level and the buildings available in your Dark Elf castle.

Have fun in combat!
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