Only a short time has passed since the Grand Contest took place, and Griffin and Manticore Gonfalons are still carried in every corner of the Empire. Their appearance in the recent cave and tunnel purge operation caught the attention of At’Araxia, the leader of Tamer Dark Elves. Upon learning of their history, she put forth the idea to hold a similar kind of contest, which would pit proponents of Light and Darkness against each other. The idea was eagerly accepted.
Valiant Lords and Ladies, the Empire announces the beginning of a new Light vs Darkness contest!
All contestants are divided into two vanguards based on faction:
Light Vanguard – Knights, Wizards, Elves and Dwarves.
Darkness Vanguard – Necromancers, Barbarians, Dark Elves, Demons and Tribals.
 | VS |  |
1. Every character of combat level 3 or higher may join either the Light or Darkness Vanguard depending on their faction. Once made, this choice cannot be reversed.
2. Contest challenges are accepted at :00 and :30 minutes every hour, except a night break.
3. Combat is conducted in 2x2 format. Note that your teammates and/or opponents may be AI-controlled.
4. Only shop artifacts are accepted, and enchantments do NOT take effect!
5. The contest will last through August 7.
6. Every player may notch up to 30 victories.
7. You will receive x1.5 faction skill points in contest battles, plus Commanders’ Guild points unless any of your opponents is AI-controlled.
8. Battles with any AI-controlled participants do not count toward Vanguard scoring.
9. Potion of Skill does take effect in these battles.
10. After the event is over, the Empire will generously reward all contestants of both Vanguards.
11. Upon reaching 5 victories, you will receive a special backpack artifact, either the Gonfalon of Light or Gonfalon of Darkness, which is allowed for use in the Contest.

Fight for glory and victory! |