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Add price history for artifacts on market. I want to know if an artifact that I buy now, I can buy for better price. ;o)
Yes this would be great :)
Thanks for support :-)
Although i see your point,
I don't really agree.

I think being able to follow the market,it's ups and downs, at every period of time and then being able to guess how is the market gonna work at an upcoming period of time,is something someone has to work for,since the profit you can make if you work hard is insane.
That comes for rare arts or heavily enchanted shop arts.

If what you are talking about is some simple shop arts or elements,Litwin's site is still on the run i believe;
No bud litwin's site is down, no idea why..
Yeah, since LITWIN's site is down, this would be very useful.
The thing they have to do (Appart from many others) is to put external "Tools" from other Websites into the game.
With this Im mentioning Win Ratios, Scripts (Like Progress Bars, etc), Price History as you say... Etc.
Also they should put a Section IN THE GAME about LWM Section.

I mean, it doesnt really make much sense that I have to check 5 different External Websites to check Win Ratios, Scripts... Etc.
They should all be here implemented.
... Imo.
Also they should put a Section IN THE GAME about LWM Section.
LWM Daily* I meant there.
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