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Authorelf faction tacctic for lvl 13
i have tried different combo for elf in cg battles and every time either a dark necro comes or dark demon comes and ruines the game is there any countre for darkness casters??
Well, huummm... I dont really play Elf, but lets see:
IIRC the usual Build for Elves is Expert Luck + Battle Fury/Rally, and then you can choose whether to max EFK or Anchors...

>>> But Imo you can try more things appart from that:
- Charmer Elf (Standart Build)
- Charmer Elf with Striving Speed
- ¿¿Charmer Elf with Defence Talents??
Or Offense, but not the usual "Full Morale"
- Holy Elf (I have a friend who actually has a HUGE "Win Ratio" with this in 2x2 CG, believe me XD)

Try different Builds man, think "Out of the box", to surprise opponents, Idk.
... Or just try playing Charmer and rushing, it would be way way more effective against those Necros you mention if your real/big problem is Dark Magicks.

>>> Honestly though:
I have checked your profile and I found out you have MG 2, WG 0 and no FSL in all Factions.
Anybody at your lvl (You just reached CL 13, so I understand, Np) would have like 3-4 more Parameters Imo, and also around 3 FSL in all Factions, meaning 9% reduction to ALL the Damages you gonna make.
(PS: Btw dont look at my Char's Stats, its bad XD Take somebody else as example)

You can copy-paste a replay of any battle of CG of yours to show us the standart Build you carry when you play, so that it would help us give you advice.

Anyway, Tl/Dr, Conclusion: Stop CG-ing for a while Imo, it can be frustrating to play in loss sprees, I know that. XD
And in that time work on your extra Stats/Parameters, and get some FSL in all Factions, 2-3 at least, and think of a different Build. I know it isnt much, but your "Win Ratio" will increase, believe me.

Probably a Main Elf with more experience in CG can give you better help though, I suppose.
Personally I believe lev 13 is a nightmare for elves without DU.
Holy build won't work in any battle in which you have all level 13's or level 13 as the highest level... might however work in mixed cg very well, when you partner can be someone much higher level than you, though I don't know if you can choose to play mixed(not 2vs2) anymore.
As for 2vs2, holy would be probably horrible. Also range build is risky, if one of your enemies has mass confusion all your shooters become practically useless.
So I suppose the best bet is charmers. Yes, pristines play a huge role, but even without them sharpshooters and hero's magic can pull off a decent amount of damage.

Conclusion: Charmer in luck build is probably your best shot. Don't use it if you can't afford clover amulet. Preferably SoC+clover, but at least clover to have a decent chance of winning.
So far best tactic that worked for me is the charmer with offense and striving speed. Tried rally luck but I am really unlucky with luck so went for the secure damage. You can also play support with that mass rapid. Then again, it might work for me cause I got a DU (uni pick up that rapid from anywhere).
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